Puttering around the house, as I am wont to do, I looked at the Dog and thought “I should get dressed and go to Walmart and check out the Christmas Sales.”
And a flash of light descended on me and, well, I realized what I’d just envisioned.
Me? Get out in the last-minute-on-the-way-home-from-work-shoppers? I don’t even like shopping on a normal (regular?) day.
Mama didn’t raise no fool.
Well, not much of one.
Christmas eve with SWMBO in Ohio sucked. So I had left-over meatloaf, potato’s, and green beans.
Today, Christmas Day, with SWMBO in Ohio sucked. So I had fried shrimp and fries.
Didn’t get out for our walk this AM since it’s been raining and I just didn’t feel like getting out in it.
Poor Dog. Had to poop in his own back yard. In the rain.
And I am getting a LOT of things done around the house.
Oops, gotta go check the latest Freeze Drier load …