And I’m not really understanding WHY. I used to love to post about the trials and tribulations of an average everyday American; Me. Lately, though, it seems a chore that I don’t want to add to the end (or beginning) of my day.
Sometimes I think that if I could get SWMBO to drop the one e-mail address she has through our site and switch over to her Google e-mail completely, that I’d just kill off my (many) blogs.
Bought a new NAS (TerraMaster) that is REALLY picky about what kind of drives it uses, and finally bought a couple of 8 TB (Seagate Ironsomething) drives for it. (Then splurged for 2 more that’ll be in soon. $160 ea for these things!) Just last night finished setting it up the way I want it and copying all the movies/tv shows/music/pictures to it and the thing is working Great! Mirrored everything on it to the two 8-TB drives I bought (that the thing will NOT use) for “just in case.” (Still have to learn about the Kubernetics and VPN stuff on it.)
So I shut down my old (flakey already rebuilt 3 times because it reboots and wants to reformat the RAID and it’s so old there is NO tech support or updates available for it but don’t get me started) NAS and put the new one in it’s place. And, wouldn’t you know it, when I plugged the old NAS in in my office and turned it on it sure enough it came up with “Choose RAID type and reformat” message. Fuck it. Garbage. You’d think that a $380 NAS (not counting drives) would last more than 8 years. So I’ll stick it in the basement for a few years, retry making it work a couple of times before finally just throwing it away. Maybe try to find a way to install linux in some form on it?
So I took the 4 5-TB drives out and re-partitioned/reformatted them (only 1 truly seems hosed but I’ll keep playing with it) and they’re sitting on a shelf. What the hell am I going to use them for? The last 5-TB drive I replaced in the old NAS I re-partitioned/re-formatted and it’s been working in my desktop for almost 2 years without a problem.
I had set up a Raspberry Pi 4 for SWMBO to use as her desktop. She wanted a 2nd monitor so I bought her a 2nd monitor and holder-arm thingie. Then Got Stupid and thought that the 2nd video port on the Pi wasn’t a video port. (Which it is, but, like I said, I Got Stupid. Hey, it happens occasionally. Danged mini-HDMI ports anyway.) So I set up that mini ACEPC (with two regular sized HDMI ports on it) I had laying around with Linux Mint and got it all set up for her and copied all her data to it and that’s working great. She likes it when she can just sit down and IT WORKS. Silly Woman! But, so far, she seems not unhappy with Linux and the smaller computer. I did add a 500 GB SSD to the ACEPC so she can store things locally if she wants.
My Father-in-law gave me a ION Video Archiver when we last saw him (last month) that I’ve been capturing the last of my personal video tapes with. It only does 720×480 at whatever crappy resolution the tape is but, so far, it’s been doing a pretty good job of capturing video. So now I can post my video from Naked City or Black’s Beach from back in the late 80’s and get banned from YouTube! Cool!
Oh, he also gave me a Roomba. Thing seems to mostly work pretty good and freaks SWMBO’s cat out when it turns and heads directly for him.
Been pretty much raining since we got back so haven’t been outside doing anything for awhile. Was with the Marines too long to let rain stop my morning walk with the Dog though. Poncho up and get ‘er done!
I see where New NASA Study Reveals Devastating Impact of Rising Sea Levels on U.S. Coasts. Yet, every time I get to the beach here in Washington State the water always seems to be where it was the last time I was there. And I’m not worrying about it until all the rich muckity-mucks sell off their beach-front properties. Lead by example, Dipshidiots.
I still think NASA should be studying Space and leave the Earth Sciences to other organizations. Just think, we might already be colonizing Mars if NASA had stuck to Space stuff. (We should have been permanently on the Moon since the early 70’s.)
I don’t like going to sleep anymore. Sometimes feel I’m pretty close to not waking up. Too much to do. Too much to learn. Too many smooches with SWMBO to go.