May 05

Another Fine Day. Busy. Outside.

Yesterday was a fairly decent day, so I made a run to Home Depot and bought 25 2”x3” boards to use as my forms for the cement bases for the new raised bed garden. Spent most of the day outside “doing things.” No idea what though. (Is that a blessing or a curse from getting Old?)

Still A Lot Of Work To Do!

So, today, after a prodrome (but no headache again) I got out and made the forms. They’re all where I want them and now I get to fill in the low spots. Still have no idea if I’m going to buy the ingrediants and do the cement myself, or, have it delivered and have to do it in a rush. (My time being their money, as it were.)


Started planning where I’m going to move my antenna’s. Started putting the 6-btv together to mount it. Measured the closet and know how wide a cabinet I can get to fit that. Got all my usual chores done AND a load of laundry. Damn, I’m good!

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This is supposed to be the last day this week that I’m to drop off, and pick up, SWMBO at the Ferry Landing. We’ll see.

May 03

Had A Fairly Busy Day!

Really! I, the old, retired, guy had a fairly busy day. Cool!

Started off by taking SWMBO to the Ferry Landing. The Sunrise was beautiful. Bright and Orangy. Really pretty.

Stopped for gas on the way home. Made a dump run for our renter.  Came home and renewed my perscriptions over the phone. (Can pick them up tomorrow after 1300.)

Tried calling Peach Beach RV Park to make an reservation. After almost a dozen “mailbox is full” messages I finally got a recorded message that probably had a lot of good information. Unfortunately, I couldn’t understand it. (One of these days I really need to take that course in Garble!) I finally wound up e-mailing the place but I really don’t expect an answer. And I don’t know if we should just drive down there and take a chance that they’ll have a spot we’d enjoy.

Went to Shelton to meet up with the other MCARC Club Officers to check out a Church as to suitability for our Club meetings. Place is huge! All dark wood inside. Really nice. Kind of BIG for me, but, we could get used to it. Doubt we’ll pick this place though; cause they want $25/meeting. With no gauarante that we’d even be able to have a meeting if they schedule a wedding or funeral. And we’d havt to bring our own coffee.

At Alpine Meadows, where we’ve had our meeting since forever, we pay $120/yr for coffee and the room is free. Unfortunately, the room is getting rather small nowadays. Which is good cause that means more people are showing up for the meetings so no complaints about that. We’re just getting to need more room.

Picked SWMBO up at the Ferry Landing and we’re home now. Think I’ll go lay down and read awhile. All this starts early again tomorrow.

If I’m Lucky!

May 02

I Haven’t Posted Since When?

Last Friday? Damn! Where did the time go? Am I having that much fun?

Last Saturday was a pretty usual Saturday. I did things around the house until SWMBO came home from the Genealogy Library and took me on our Saturday Date. Burger King for a Whopper this week. Stopped by St. Vinnies to look through their “junk.” Bought some things at Lowe’s and made our usual Safeway stop on the way home.

Sunday I did things around the house until SWMBO got home from Church. Mowed both the back yards (the Side Back Yard and Back Yard, actually). SWMBO made spaghetti for dinner. (It was good.) Then we just chilled until bedtime.


Today it’s 90+ degrees out so I’m spending as much time as I can outside. As usual on a nice day. Put my shorts on and did most of the whack weeding that needed to be done around the house. Attached the grass catcher thing to the “new” rider mower just in case I ever want to do it for real. (I prefer the mulch thingie cause I can’t see why I need to dump a load of grass somewhere.)

Oh, took SWMBO to the Ferry Landing at 0540 this morning cause her Son is in Colorado (or somewhere that starts with a “C”). I get to go back and pick her up at 1945 tonight. Get to do this for the next 3 days too. Cool! Wish she could quit working outside the home.

Quick-washed the truck with that water-brush thing we got at COSTCO once. Seems to work okay. Would probably be really good with soap! And, no sooner than I finished dark clouds rolled in and the wind kicked up a bit. Figures. (Just enough breeze now to feel a bit cooler.)

And … We’re back. Nice ride tonight. Still warm enough to ride with the window down. Neato!

Apr 29

I Never Want To Do That Again!

b4Woke up with severe abdominal pains yesterday. Double-over type of abdominal pains. Knew it was “gas” (thank you chili-frito’s I had for dinner Wednesday!) but, my, it hurt. By 0900 I was ready to run a hose up there to ease the pressure and pain.

But, all it took was eating a handfull of cheerio’s. That started everything to “moving” and you don’t want to know where I spent the rest of the day (pretty much) or what I was doing there. Just know: it wasn’t pretty, peaceful, nor particularly pleasant. So yesterday was pretty much shot. Haven’t had pain like that since that food poisoning we got during Desert Storm.

2016-04-29 12.47.24

Got outside today and built a small fire pit out of those smaller manor stone(s) I’ve had laying around holding the side of the yard from falling down. Didn’t start raining until I actually started burning something in it. Which figures.


Then, because I have to see things, I set out 14 cinder blocks in the shape of how I want my new raised bed planters to be. Maybe. Trying to figure out if I want 4 or 5 12 ft beds going side-side, or, 4 25 ft beds going end-end. Since I’m going to put cement pads in for them I really need to make up my mind.

North Mason Amateur Radio Emergency Services Club

old2Oh, went to the NMARES meeting last night at QFC. Almost 6 years and they’re finally getting somewhat interesting!

Anywho, I get to pick SWMBO up at the QFC tonight. Woo Woo! I may even take the Dog with me.

So we be home. Time to get settled in.