Mar 13

Wow! Talk About “Out Of The Blue”…

A guy that used to work for me WAY back when I ran sick bay on the Turner Joy just sent me an e-mail. Joe Hudock, who I remember as a young Hospitalman (HN). He didn’t say much but I answered his message so we’ll see…
Not much happening on the homefront. Raining too much to get out to the property and push dirt around. Me and Poop Dog did get out there for awhile yesterday to start the dozer and let it run a bit. Walked around. Well, I walked around. Poop Dog ZOOMED around the whole time we were there!
Got the guesstimate from PCI on the Special Inspectors; $10,847.00! Phew. That just about puts us out of the building in Mason County category! But, I checked online for land over Thurston County way; nothing available that we could move to. Kathy has to be within an hours drive of a Group Health facility for work purposes. Damn! But I did manage to get the Mayes company to consider submitting a guesstimate. Let’s see what theirs is before going any further.
SWMBO’s been getting ready for her trip to Ohio…

Mar 11

Had To Reinstall This Blog Again!

And I’m starting to get pretty good at it! Wanted to move it to it’s own database.
Bob Child and I have the road ready for gravel. Just as soon as I dig the trenches for power & water, get those installed and refill the trenches. THEN I’ll be able to put the gravel on and finish the road! Cool!

Mar 02

Good News – Bad News.

It’s all pretty normal…
Except I didn’t get to go out and push an mud today. Raining too much. SWMBO and I did go and talk to Mike Boyle at North Bay Mortgage about getting financing for our project. He seems pretty sure that we’ll get the $260k this is going to require. (But that’s his job, ain’t it?)
Called Bob the Dome Guy and talked about getting final numbers for building his part.
Got a message back from Mark at the Planning Department. Not good. They’re willing to waive the requirement for the Special Inspectors IF our Engineer (Chris) signs a form taking sole responsibility for the shotcrete and is there every day shotcrete is sprayed. Unfortunately he’d be about 4 times more expensive than having the Special Inspectors come every day for 10 days or so. So it looks like we’ll have to give in and have the SI’s anyway! Damn!

Feb 21

And Here I Thought I Was Almost Through With The Dome Hole…

Went out to the property and pushed mud around for awhile. Measured and found that my ‘dome hole’ is about 10 feet too NARROW. Damn! That means I’ll have to take out about 10ft x 8ft x 30ft (or so) of dirt I hadn’t planned on. Double Damn! But, that’s why I bought a dozer, isn’t it? So, IF it isn’t raining tomorrow I’m going to hook up the backhoe and pull some dirt out. Fun Fun Fun!
Well, here it is Wednesday and I still haven’t heard back from Mark @ the Planning Department about the e-mail I sent him. If I had to bet; I’d bet I won’t hear from him either. Guess it’s time to start my way up the chain of command at the Planning Department…