It’s 1000 and it just started snowing again. SWMBO went on into the office today, as she usually does on Wednesdays, so I hope she doesn’t have any trouble on the road. Weather outlook for the rest of the day (hell, the rest of the week!) doesn’t look good. Y’all have got to remember that we don’t usually get a lot of snow around here. Mostly rain. When it gets to staying around 20 degrees that’s pretty cold for us. And a couple of inches of snow pretty much shuts everything down.
Ah, now the wind is blowing also. Which means we’ll probably lose the power. Cool. I just love sitting around the house unable to do the stuff I normally do cause I got no power! But I get a lot of reading done when that happens…
@ 1530: Power hasn’t gone out so far. Been snowing off and on all day. Snowing pretty good (for us) right now though. Been trying to video when it does snow and will try to make a time-lapse movie of it. Don’t know how that’ll turn out…