Try getting that out of your head over the next several hours! Not much going on around here. Pretty SSDD day. Mostly sunny starting around noon. Warm. Nice. But I haven’t left myself a whole lot to do outside. Didn’t stop me from hanging outside as much as possible; but I was pretty lazy doing it. Hey, I’m retired.
Did go through the freezer in the pantry to find something for dinner. Trying to eat out of the freezer a bit more cause things still do go bad in them; just at a much slower pace. Anywho, found a crab a friend gave me a few months ago, and, walla, dinner. That and a couple of ears of corn I got last Saturday went down just fine. Messily, but fine. (Need to take a shower after that dinner. Crab everywhere!)
And, yes, I know it should be “voilà.” (With the little accent thingie over the a.)
And that was pretty much my day. Kinda slow. Kinda boring. Once I cut a hole in the cabinet in the Caravan and installed the new plug & faceplate, my day was pretty much done. Aside from all my “usual” chores, that is. Even watered the garden.
Working on my “electronic” library. All the .epub files I have. Trying to straighten them up (internally) and import them into Calibre. Only several thousand to go! So I’m starting with my favorite Authors and working through their books I have.
And it turns out I’m missing four “Odd Thomas” books that I didn’t even know had been written!