I may not even finish a post for today; it’s so boring around here and I have done absolutely nothing worth posting about. Unless one counts learning to aim and fire the A-10 weapons in X-Plane. Mission accomplished then!
Oh, took the Dog for a walk but it was windy and rather cool. He doesn’t understand why I don’t like walking under branches while the wind is blowing. (Could be cause I’ve almost been beaned by a falling branch, or two, before while walking on a windy day? Hmmm … ) But we made the rounds.
Spent an hour or so updating the MCARC website. Fun! Listening to WebSDR. Finishing up the laundry. Moving antenna’s around.
NMARES meeting at the QFC was interesting tonight. Unusual. They seem to be getting more members, and, more importantly, more members showing up. Cool!
And that’s it. Ain’t y’all lucky!