Aug 11

Well Double Damn Damn

Loaded a bunch of scrap wood into my truck yesterday; filled the bed completely. Then today took it over to my friends house for him to use instead of tires or oil or whatever will burn, only to find that he died FOUR FREAKIN’ MONTHS AGO! Well, Fuck. Philip was only 80 but still fairly active.

One of his neighbors saw me “hanging about” and came out and told me. He wasn’t feeling well and went into the hospital on a Monday and died Wednesday. FOUR FREAKIN’ MONTHS AGO! He left everything he owned to a neighbor’s 17 year old kid so all that’s taken care of.

Looking Forward To The Eclipse on the 21st

And, although we weren’t the closest “hang around each other every week or so” friends, I’ll still kind of miss him and him always asking when SWMBO and I were going to move back into the neighborhood. Bye, Philip. Have fun.

Not a whole lot else going on. Dog and I unloaded the truck when we got back home. I’ll slowly burn all that when the weather shifts and the burn ban is taken away. Worked on the front steps some more; making changes is a bitch to get done! Too much dirt to shovel.


Making sure my batteries are charged and everything’s ready for Belfair Bites tomorrow. We’lll see how good pictures my new camera takes of those classic cars. Not taking the Dog.

And we got to pick SWMBO up at the QFC tonight. Always a pleasure!

Jul 31

They Takes Their Heat Serious Around Here


Knowing how most Western WaRshingtonians are real Warm Wx Wuses, this is gonna kill a lot of them. Not enough, but a lot. Makes following generations tougher and more able to handle all that Global Warming if you ask me. Breed ‘em for the heat, I say.


Not a whole lot going on around here. Really nice outside so me and the Dog spent as much time ouside, naked of course, as we could.  I bet we walked the back 40 a dozen times. (Actually getting kind of tired walking it by myself. Almost wish I had a couple of friends to walk around with. I spend way too much time home. Alone.)

Anywho, that’s about it. Watering the lawns to try to keep them as a possible fire-break if the need arises. Talked to one of the guys on the Belfair Net about digging me a hole for the base of my new tower. Still have a lot to figure out for that! Still need to rent a digger and do a lot of work on our paths around the back 40.

Jul 30

Supposed To Get A Bit Warm This Week!

With a projected high of possibly 105 degrees Thursday. Cool! Western WaRshingtonians Will Melt In Place This Week! I might even try to bake something in my truck just to see if I can. (Haven’t done that since I lived in Yuma Way Back When.)


Our Date Day last Saturday (yesterdat) went pretty much as usual. We dropped a large meat pizza off to the Missionaries then SWMBO took me to Sister’s Restaurant for their chili burger. Was good; as usual. Made our usual stop at Walmart on the way home.

And all the usual “stuff” today. Watering. Laundry. Gardening. Being outside as much as possible. SWMBO made dinner and I made heavy inroads on it. The MCARC 2-meter Sunday Chat Net went well; only 5 of us checked in.

Posted the High Heat Alert on the Club website. Not much more I can do. May go spend $10 for a wading pool to keep full of water for the Dog to jump into. He likes doing that.