Apr 21

What A Nice Nice Nice Day!

Wow! First Naked Day of 2017! Nice! So me and the Dog spent quite a bit of time outside today. Not naked for most of it (neighbors still get upset when I work around the house sans-clothing), but I did get to just sit out and soak up the Vitamin E for a couple of hours. Nice! Really looking forward to summer!

Been meaning to buy a shed to put the Garden stuff in over the Winter. Really just never got around to it. However, I have a pile of those forms used to build Insulated Concrete Houses, that literally have been in a pile for the past 8 years.
So, took those out and built a wall under the deck. Hmmm If I were to get some cheap  plywood and make a plastic covered “roof” it just might work. Hmmm.

Trying something out here …
So, kind of a lazy day except for building that foam-block wall, spreading out a roll of plastic decking stuff, stacking 9 tires (so far) on that same plastic stuff to make a place to plant my ‘maters. All the usual chores. Took the easy way out (2 Roach Coach Style) burrito’s for dinner.


Got to pick SWMBO up at the QFC (regular Friday evening routine) and she’s off doing her homework. I’m finishing up Jack Reacher 2 and about to go lay down.

Apr 16

Just To Show How OLD I Can Be

Yesterday morning I was SO out of it that I sat and drank about half a cup of Hot Sweet Water before I realized that I hadn’t put the damned K-cup in the Keurig before turning the thing on. The 2nd cup was WAY better!


Yesterday was Date Day and it went pretty much as it usually does. Which means spending time with my lovely-young-bride of 30+ years was the best part. The Chili Burger at Sister’s Restaurant was pretty good too. We spent way too much money at Walmart though. So much I gave SWMBO $20 out of pocket to pay for the 3 blu-ray movies I got.

Speaking of which: I finally started “redeeming” those on-line copies of the movies I buy. Wish I had done that with the first 20+ I’d bought. They (so far) play pretty good on my devices through Google Play.


Today was a really nice day. Easter Sunday too. Sunny. Almost a get naked and lay out day. Almost. So we spent a good deal of time outside. Started the garden by planting Peas, Lima Beans, Brussels Sprouts & Cauliflauer.

Made a nice little video of that stupid Dog trying to eat a bumble bee. (Funny!)

And, other than that, just the usual. Laundry is done. Dishes from the excellent dinner SWMBO made are done. MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net went well. Done with X-Plane for the night. About time to take my meds and hit the rack.


Oh, Yeah! The Doctor started up again. Nice. Wasn’t sure if I’d like the “new” companion, but she’s kinda growing on me. We’ll see. I still miss Amy & Rory & Clara (and River!) though. Ah well …

Mar 19

Another Fairly Lazy Sunday!

NC-003gWhich I kinda like, really. Especially if it means SWMBO and I can spend a bit more time together.

Like we did this afternoon. Walking the Dog mostly. Was fairly nice outside, so the Dog got a few more walks than usual what with me taking him out a couple of times this morning then SWMBO and I taking him out a couple of times this afternoon. Nice. Walking the Dog, holding her hand, talking. Nice!

Other than that it was more of the usual. Chores. Laundry. SWMBO made some nice meatloaf for dinner (along with boiled taters and that California Blend veggies she likes). Was yummy!

NC-003jThe MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net went fast tonight because only  of us checked in. I think everyone else is hiding in their houses from shock that the Sun came out for most of the day. Like Vampires they just aren’t used to all that ultraviolet light hitting their skin.

Anywho, that’s it. Sorry it’s so boring, but, I really don’t have much happen or do a whole hell of a lot. Date Day with SWMBO is the highlight of my week. Walking the Dog (and myself) a few times a day. That’s about it.

Just Another Old Boring Guy, signing off.

Nov 03

Hey. Got Me A 56 Foot Tower.

Cool! One of they guys had one he wanted to get rid of cheap (or relatively cheap) so I took it off his hands. It’s only 56 feet, but, it’s 56 feet taller than any tower I had before. Sun came out today so I went to his place and picked it up. In sections. Took two (2) trips but he lives only about 4 miles from here.

2016-11-03 14.31.57

So, now I have to find the baseplate for it, dig a big damned hole, fill that hole with cement and install the tower. Oh, Joy! But it ought to be fun though. Thinking of sticking my 2m/440 and 6BTV antenna’s on it, but may save up for a nice all-band yaggi. (Which are freakin’ huge!) First I need to get the tower installed. Still not sure where I’m going to do that; but I’m sure SWMBO will let me know.

Not a whole lot going on really. Saw a really young child wandering around back by the neighbors-from-hell’s house, and, knowing they weren’t home, nor are they Hispanic looking, I called 911. Took 20 minutes and two people (and a lot of time on hold for heaven’s sake) to give them the particulars. Then it was another 30 minutes before the Sheriff showed up. Meanwhile, I walked the kid to the road where we found his parents looking frantically for the kid. All ended well but I don’t trust the 911 folks anymore.


Anywho, finally got my 857d out of the truck and re-installed in the house. Seems to be working fine but I have to reaquaint myself with what switch position is what antenna.

OH, took SWMBO to her exam at the Naval Hospital this morning and sat around for a few hours. Standing outside the Colonoscopy Lab one gets a completely different look from folks to the statement “Just waiting on my lovely young wife of 30 years” than one does when standing outside the Maternity Ward.

Just saying …