Dec 02

Wow! What A Normal Tuesday!

So it’ll be a short post tonight. Lucky You!

Made a run to the bank. Stopped by ACE Hardware on the way back and got some plastic sheeting and painter’s tape to start working on my room. No mail today. Took Dog for a walk around the back 40. Ate another cold turkey sandwich. Covered the windows in my room with plastic.


My day. Ah, my day. Beats the alternative though. And these boring days won’t last much longer if I’d just get off my ass. Getting the plastic on the windows is a start. I really do have a lot of things I can/could do around the house on those rainy or cold days that I don’t want to get outside. I just need to get off my old ass and get it all started.


But, oh my, I like Summer so much better. If I am not going to do anything, I’d so much rather not do it outside on a nice, hot, day.

Made myself a crispy tilapia & bagel sandwich, and some corn, for dinner tonight cause I’m (temporarily!) sick of Turkey. It was good. Watching a Nova show about Landslides where they covered the Oso landslide last year.


MCARC 10-meter Wednesday Chat Net went really well.


Dec 01

Yeah, Pretty Much SSDD. Again.

Damn! How many times have I used that “headline?” How many more times will I use it in the years to come? Could this be one of the reason’s people just click through my blog instead of delving into my in-depth presentation of my normal, every day, boring, life? Who cares! I’m not posting “for them” anyway!


My lovely, young, bride asked me the other day why I post here. My life is more extra ordinary instead of extraordinary.  I mean, the highlight of my day was making a run into town to the Vape Shop for some new atty’s. The Renter’s paying their rent for December. The Cold Turkey sandwich I had for a late lunch. (And will probably have for dinner. Someone needs to eat up all that left over turkey!)

But other than that I just plain could not say why I post here.  Maybe to share how most American’s really live (day to day)? To practice my writing skills? Doubtful. To make y’all as bored as I can be sometimes? Possibly. Doubtful though.


So, I’m just not going to worry on it. IF I was one of those that needs “followers,” someone hanging on every word I utter, people to tell me how “wonderful” I am, then this blog would be a constant bummer. Few “followers.” Very few comments. Few people that really care about my (boring) life beyond SWMBO and my dead parents. And it just doesn’t matter to me. Really.

I do this because I enjoy doing it. That’s all the reason I need.

Not much else going on. Went out and fixed my new antenna. COLD out there! Everything in the shade is still frosty. All free-standing water is free-standing ice. Sucks! I just plain out miss summer.


And that’s it again. I got to pick SWMBO up at the Ferry Landing tonight; two trips to Bremerton in one day is enough. Almost time to take this old guy to bed.

Nov 30

Still Leading That Fairly Boring Life

In case y’all were wondering. Take yesterday. Please. No, I’m kidding. Yesterday was fairly “normal” until the afternoon when I dropped SWMBO off at Jo Anne’s Fabric shop to let her spend her Birthday present. I went and walked around COSTCO. Bought the three “Back To The Future” movies on Blu-ray and a Christmas present for my father-in-law. Then I bought a new computer desk chair at Staples. Then I waited another hour for her to finish what she was doing. Made our usual stop at Safeway on the way home but got out of there for less than $40. Gotta be a first for us.

Pretty much SSDD today also. Did get to take the Dog for a tour of the back 40 but it was damned cold out there. Our “snow” yesterday left all of 1/8th of an inch in places where the sun doesn’t hit (we weren’t in the areas that got an inch or more) but otherwise everything is just sort of frozen out there. Not going to get any better over the next couple of days either. I already miss summer!

Watched some Doctor Who and “played” with MSFSX for awhile. Just kinda sorta waiting around for the MCARC 2-meter Sunday Chat Net to start. I got to admit that I’m kinda getting tired of being Net Control for the Sunday Net. Can’t find anyone that will take over the duties though. And then I think of KC7WNJ, who’s been running his Wednesday net for 10 years or so. Ah well.

Not much else going on around here. Downloading the latest versions of Linux Mint Mate & Cinnamon to play with. Converting the “Back To The Future” movies to .mp4 files for our movie drive. Watching the laptop bug me about rebooting after doing it’s update.


Wow! 16 check-ins for the Net tonight. A new personal record! Cool!

Nov 27

First Use Of The “S” Word For Friday Late

Interesting Wx weekend to bring us out of our Thanksgiving Feast Food Stupor with the possibility of snow for the lowlands late Friday night into Saturday all day. Of course, Weather prediction for Western Washington is like guessing the order the kernels of a handful of popcorn will pop; you don’t know what you’re going to get until you’re eating the macaroni salad. So it might be time to make sure your radio is working, your antenna is secure, and your emergency power supply will handle the job. Just in case…


It’s a bit too early this Thanksgiving morning (0800) for anything to be “happening” but I’m already looking forward to eating myself into a Food Coma later. Think it’s time to shit, shower, and shave and get my day started. That is, as much as my day starts.


Which I did starting at about 1400 hrs. or so. Eating, that is. Man, they made a good dinner! No one we invited showed up. Yet. Looking forward to cold turkey sandwiches later.

Wx Guessers are teasing me with possible Snow Friday night into Saturday afternoon. It is going to get cold though. I’ll believe the snow when I see it. But it has been raining off and on all day. Almost balmy out though. Cold front moving in?


And that’s about it. Got all the dishes done, Turkey carcass stripped, and everything that we’re probably going to eat later in the fridge. Time to chill out until bedtime. Think I’ll watch the Ken Burn’s documentary on the Dust Bowl.