Seeing as how it sucks everything from the minds of those using it then makes that available to the “public.”
So, got the COSTCO “Deals” mailing. Looks like I can get 12 lbs of Ground Beef for ONLY $84.99 (Delivered!!!). OR I can go to ChefsStore, buy a chuck for $50 (or so), and make my own 20 lbs or so. Depending on how much fat I leave in it. (Which won’t be much as I intend to freeze dry it.) $85 for 12 lbs of burger. Man.
Stew meat at any store is another of those. @ 4.80 lb I’ll buy the cheaper cut and make my own. I have knives! Lots of knives! And I know how to use them. It’s really not rocket science.
Went through the freezer and sorted everything I left. Took out a butt-ton of burger to cook and freeze dry. About 5 lbs of pork roasts too to make into pulled pork. Think I’ll buy some fresh chicken and do that up this next week.
Gotta grill those burgers I bought a few days ago!
About vegetable’d out for the time being. Have plenty for the working pantry but need to start the long-term stuff. And soon.
Snowed like crazy off and on for most of Tuesday. Got really thick at times. Was all melted within 10 minutes each time. Crazy.
Just hailing out there. Cool.
Cooked up 18 patties (we ate two), 4 lbs of pulled pork, and 5 lbs of burger for the freeze dryer. Don’t want to smell cooking meat for the next couple of days!
Hope Elon Musk gets to buy Twitter!