May 01

Alpha & Omega Rentals: Not A Happy Experience…

So, I stopped by Alpha & Omega Rentals outside Belfair, Wa last week and arranged for an excavator to be delivered out to the property at 0800 Monday morning. Monday morning comes around and I get up at 0600 and out of the house by 0700. Get out to the property about 0745 and wait until 0900 for it to show up. I drove a couple of miles down the road (towards town) until I could get a signal on the cell phone and called them. “Oh, the manager didn’t update the board so I didn’t know if it was today or next Monday.” Says the person that answered. Said he’d be right out. He shows up at 1015 or so. By the time it’s unloaded I’m starting 2 1/2 hours late. The guy that dropped the excavator off did offer to pick it up Tuesday morning so I could have the rest of the day to work. Cool.
Filled in the trench we made for the power/water lines and dug from the end of that trench to the road. Didn’t cross the road ’cause I still need to drive up and down it. Re-dug the drainage ditch in the dome hole and moved some things around. Stuffed a tree-stump into that hole that keeps appearing in the road. Worked until about 1700.
Got up at 0600 again this morning, out of the house by 0715 and out at the property by 0800. Decided to do some work while waiting for the guy to come and pick up the excavator. An hour goes by so I drive down the road for a cell-signal, call them and the girl that answered says “OK.”. Back to the property. Another hour goes by. And another hour goes by. Finally at 1200 I park the excavator in the driveway opening, lock the gate and take off for their office.
Told the guy behind the desk that I got tired of waiting and that the excavator was sitting in my driveway with a full tank of gas and the key still in it. He immediately got surly (that really is the only way to describe his demeanor) and spouted half a dozen excuses on why it hasn’t been picked up yet. I said that I thought 3 hours was plenty long enough to wait and he came back with more whining and passing the buck. I signed my receipt ($290!!) and left.
Like I said. Not A Happy Experience. I will try my best NOT to rent from them again.

Here’s the excavator I rented. Worked okay but it took some getting used to having the claw switch under my right foot.

Apr 30

We Got It! We Got Our Permit To Build!!!

And we can pick it up tomorrow! Too Cool! Now we just need to get all the numbers together for the financing! Too cool! I am really hoping we can start building by June 1st…
Rented an excavator and spent the day up at the property moving dirt back into that trench we dug for the water/power and doing some other things that you need an excavator to do. Kinda fun. Kinda Scary. Dug a new trench from the end of the last one down to the driveway. It’s for power and water. I’m tired! Hard to believe that operating an excavator all day can make you so tired and sore.

Now, that’s MY kinda woman!!!!! <:)>

Apr 26

What I’ve Been Up To The Past Couple Of Days…

Yesterday I drove over to Union, WA and spent a good hour talking to Rob at Dogwood Construction. He’d be glad to take on our dome project but I have to get him MUCH better plans and a lot more information. Really kind of a productive meeting. The drive over and back was beautiful! Right along the water front from Belfair to Union. Took some good pictures (check out our Webshots site). Got back home and called Bob the Dome Guy about my talk with Rob. We decided it would be best if I contacted Larry Byrnes at to re-draw the plans. Meanwhile we’re hoping that Mason County still issues us a building permit…
Today talked to Larry Byrnes at Monolithic and he agreed to re-draw the dome plans. So I gathered the stuff together to send and got it mailed off. Straightened up around the house a bit. At least stuck my dirty clothes in the washer. Bishop Job dropped off a notice to post on the cyber-church website so I got that done. Watched Smallville (cool show!) and Supernatural and that’s about it.
And that’s it!

Apr 22

Proposed Class Action Suit Against “Telebrands”: $ 5,000,000,000.00

For unethical and unfair marketing practices. For not giving the public a way to leave them a message complaining about the crappiness of their products and (most importantly) for not giving us a way to ‘opt out’ of their damned spam-mail. Anyone Agree?
Things been going well. Passed the EcoEngineer report on where our dome is going to physically sit. Been working for Bob (The Dirt Guy) the past couple of days spreading gravel and breaking septic pipes. Dozer is up and running and I just have to change all the fluids in it to make it just right. Thinking of selling it but I’m not sure if I’m going to need it later or not. SWMBO and I went out to “Fat Rascal’s” for dinner last Friday evening. I had the fried catfish. Yummy! Went shopping yesterday instead of our usual after date stop. And that’s about it…