Aside from the usual laundry, dishes, and other “around the house” stuff I got off my lazy old ass and took down the orange “snow” fencing around the garden. Started out kind of cool but rapidly warmed up enough for me to take my coat off! Then I pulled all the old, dead, plants out. What a job!
Did get a couple of nice cucumbers. Carrots seem to still be growing well. Most of the beans left over are way to big! Probably will taste woody. Picked the last of the onions. Still a few green tomato’s on the vine. I’m just going to leave them and see what happens.
Not much else going on. SWMBO and I are going to share cooking dinner tonight. I’ll let you know how she reacts when she finds out!
She took it well! Made her version of sauerbraten. Was good! Home grown peas!
And that’s about it. Waiting for the MCARC 2-meter Chat Net @ 1930. Watching a program about the NSA. Trying some psk-31 on 2-meters just because I can. Already have my coffee set up to run @ 0530 tomorrow but really ought to make the bed before it gets too late.
I could hardly make anyone out on the net! This sucks! But on the plus side: my radio has been connecting to the laptop without too much fuss lately. That’s good!