If there is an “afterlife,” Heaven, for me, would be to have the ability to travel the stars forever. To have the ability to look at a distant Star, and then any Planets orbiting, and go there (jaunt) would actually be a Heaven I could get into. Find and study other life forms. Even if they couldn’t sense me. Hell, even if I were limited to our own Galaxy wouldn’t really be a bad thing.
Woke up with a headache (weather changing to cool, cloudy, possibility of rain) and short of breath for awhile. Way too long smoking and sitting on my ass. I may have started to fix all that a bit late in life. With the advances we’re making in Medicine, Electronics, and Space Exploration (although that is kind of slow right now) it’d be a shame to die anytime soon. Besides, I’d like to live long enough to get at least one retirement check without my Ex’s blood money being deducted from it!
Making my chili today for canning (probably tomorrow). Using my home-grown tomato’s, bell peppers and onions but had to buy everything else. Hard for me to grow chili powder, mushrooms, and meat! (Although if I had grown corn this year I could have made the mixed veggies myself. And SWMBO has expressly forbidden me to try Fat Ass Cat Chili.) Yes, my chili has mushrooms and mixed veggies in it; my chili is a complete meal.
Headline: Migraines with aura in middle age linked to Parkinson’s disease. Figures. Those are the kind of migraines I get. More during the Winter for some reason. Although lately I’ve just been skipping the aura and going straight into the headache.
Hmmm. Seems we had a 4.0 quake about 10 miles (as the crow flies) from here this morning. I didn’t feel it and my earthquake updates from USGS didn’t send me anything.
Playing with that Roku thing this afternoon. They finally put YouTube on it. Loads really slow on a search though. Looks things up after each letter is input. Dang! Let me type out the whole word of what I’m looking for, then go look for it.
MCARC Wednesday Evening 2-meter Chat Net went well.