Row Row Row Your Boat

Gently down the stream. Merrily merrily merrily, I’m SICK of this fookin’ Rain!

Watching "The Martian" In The Truck. Waiting On SWMBO.

Didn’t post yesterday cause, Boring! Did get to take the Dog for a tour of the back 40 but, otherwise, it was just the usual. Got to pick SWMBO up at the Ferry Landing.


Got up early and headed to Shelton for the MCARC meeting. It went well. Way too much time talking about the “new” repeater; which still isn’t up and running and “they” haven’t figured out how to program the thing yet. Talked a lot about the coming Field Day (in June). Authorized me (the Treasurer) to buy 100 hot dogs (and associated condiments) to hand out to visitors on Field Day. Somehow talked me into giving presentations on PSK31 and HamWan.

Took a bunch of pictures along South Shore Road (not it’s real name) on the way home to see how the camera would work on a trip. Not too bad.

2016-03-12 10.14.31

Date Day so SWMBO got home from the Genealogy Library and took me to the Teriyaki Chicken place in Gig Harbor. Semi-quick stop at COSTCO for some things. Our usual Safeway stop. Home.

And it’s still fookin’ raining!

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