Jun 23

Well, That Wasn’t So Bad. Mostly.

Combing2aLeft the house at 0900 for my appointment at Madigan. Left early cause I’ve never been to Madigan and I’ve heard lots of story’s about how hard parking is to find. Got there by 1000 and there was a butt-ton of empty spaces; as long as you didn’t mind parking kind of out there. Lot’s of people were driving up close to the building trying to find a “closer” spot. Dipshidiots. Park out, walk in.

Anyway, had some time to waste just walking around. Checked in. Was in for my appointment on time. Guy checked me for PAD (Periferial Artery Disease?) but everything checked out okay. Not bad for a almost 64 year old Vintage104asedentary ex-smoker. Afterwards he set me up for an appointment to check the main artery (senior moment) and my corotids before going in to see the actual Doctor. All that starts 15 Jul at 0630 in the A.M. (Which means getting out of the house by 0500.)

Stopped at MacDonald’s cause I was hungry and am home now. Think I’ll take apart my radio/rig and mount it in the Caravan and I won’t have to do that tomorrow.

Was coming back from filling the gas can, and came up behind a woman doing 5 mph on our 15 mph dirt road. So I went to go around her. She tried cutting me off, and when that didn’t work, stayed right beside me until I had to slow down. She fell in behind me and stayed on my ass all the way to my house.  Cussed me out for bcc06bdriving unsafe and passing her on a dirt road where “you have no control and people walk” and more. If anyone made it unsafe it was she; by speeding up and trying not to let me pass her. Dipshidiot. (I knew what I was doing. Road was clear of everything but her.) You don’t want people passing you? Do the fucking speed limit.

I’m almost expecting her husband to show up. If he does, I’m going to call 911 and say that there’s someone on my property threatening me and I want to know if I can shoot him legally? If the Cops show up they’re welcome to look at the dashcam video.

My Syma X5C drone came in today. Charged the battery and gave it a test flight. I still like to run into things. It’s light! And tough; since I’ve already run into multiple things and it’s still working. Don’t like the USB charging though. I’ll give it a better test this weekend at Field Day.

I got to pick SWMBO up at the QFC tonight. That’s always nice. She ate in my room while watching “Real Steel” and that was cool too.

But, not, this old guy (Old Guy) is gonna go lay down and read a bit.

Mar 21

And That Was My Day.

Beast of Yucca Flats

“Sure wish it would quit raining.” I thought to myself just as I stepped into the shower this morning.Stop and think about that. And it did. Just long enough to take the Dog for a walk around the back 40. There are places we don’t go though, because of the squishy ground and pools of water. But he had a great time anyway.

Other than that, it’s been a really dark, rainy, day. Downpoured really hard a couple of times. Really hard. So I’ve stayed inside (mostly) getting my chores done, reading, playing with X-Plane, changing some lightbulbs out, and listening to the radio. (The Ham radio as opposed to the Internet radio. Which is what I usually mean when I say I’ve been listening to the radio.)

And that was my day. Boring.SWMBO is home safe though and that’s a really important matter to me. Cause she’s important to me.

Think I’m gonna to lay down and read.

Why are y’all still reading this? Go! Enjoy your significant others company for awhile.

Mar 12

Row Row Row Your Boat

Gently down the stream. Merrily merrily merrily, I’m SICK of this fookin’ Rain!

Watching "The Martian" In The Truck. Waiting On SWMBO.

Didn’t post yesterday cause, Boring! Did get to take the Dog for a tour of the back 40 but, otherwise, it was just the usual. Got to pick SWMBO up at the Ferry Landing.


Got up early and headed to Shelton for the MCARC meeting. It went well. Way too much time talking about the “new” repeater; which still isn’t up and running and “they” haven’t figured out how to program the thing yet. Talked a lot about the coming Field Day (in June). Authorized me (the Treasurer) to buy 100 hot dogs (and associated condiments) to hand out to visitors on Field Day. Somehow talked me into giving presentations on PSK31 and HamWan.

Took a bunch of pictures along South Shore Road (not it’s real name) on the way home to see how the camera would work on a trip. Not too bad.

2016-03-12 10.14.31

Date Day so SWMBO got home from the Genealogy Library and took me to the Teriyaki Chicken place in Gig Harbor. Semi-quick stop at COSTCO for some things. Our usual Safeway stop. Home.

And it’s still fookin’ raining!

Mar 10

Hail And Rain And Downpour!

Oh, my. Several times throughout the day it really came down like there was going to be no tomorrow. Or tomorrow we’d be floating downhill to obliviion. Was kind of cool but there are reports of many more trees down around this area. People without power again. That sucks. Luckily ours hasn’t gone out.

You Can't See It In This Picture, But, It Was Really Coming Down!

So I didn’t get outside for more than the mail run and a quickie to Safeway for supplies. Needed some things since I was feeding the Missionaries tonight. Tacos. Refried. Spanish Rice. Something they don’t usually get. (Which is also why I seldome feed them anything with pasta or chicken. I’m sure they get a butt-ton of those.)


They seemed to enjoy the dinner. Ate enough of it! Seemed surprised when I bagged up the leftovers for them to take home. Probably shouldn’t have just dumped everything into the one bag though. Just kidding! I’m pretty sure they’ll finish it all off within the next couple of days.

Not a whole hell of a lot going on now. Even the rain has stopped for the meantime. Still hearing reports on the radio about trees down and such. The “river” has started across my backyard again. (And running good!)

Driveway Was Flooding Out!

Pretty much it. Made SWMBO some Gingerbread cookies (for brownie points!). About to go lay down and re-read “Odd Thomas” I think.