Turns Out I Was Not Alone In My Ills …

topless1aSeems SWMBO also had an upset stomach & Runs for part of last Sunday & Monday. I had them big time yesterday. The only thing we’ve eaten in common over the weekend was Burnt Ends & Ribs at Famous Dave’s. She didn’t get it too bad cause she didn’t eat all her ribs. I, however, brought most of mine and the remainder of hers home and ate them Monday. Probably why I got way sicker. IF it was that that caused us to get sick.

Canning my chili today. The two longest wait times when canning are waiting for the damned water to boil so you can start the pressure, and, waiting for the damned water to cool down so you can remove the finished jars. Butt-ton of waiting. Other than that, easy peasy.

Made my appointments at Madigan for the Vascular Surgeon. Joy. Never been to Madigan before but imagine I’ll have to leave 3 or 4 hours early to get there and find parking and where the Hell I’m supposed to be. Maybe I should park off-base and take a bus/cab in? OnStar, Help!


Feeling kind of lazy cause this leg pain makes it to where I can’t walk very far nor very fast. Had to quit using the treadmill and me and the Dog are limited to hobbling around the yard. Would hate to get up the road and be unable to get back! Still, this sucks cause I’m usually way more active than I can be now. Sure hope we can fix this. (Whatever you do, don’t get Old!)

WTF? Out of 28 pints of chili, 8 of them didn’t seal. WTF? I’ve never had more than a couple not seal. I’ll try to get them done again.

The MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Evening Chat Net went well. About 8 check-ins and everyone was readable. Cool!

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