Probably Not A *Real* Post Tonight

Cause it’s late and I’m getting a bit tired.

Almost a nice day outside. Sunny but not really warm. Kind of too cool if you got hit by the wind, but not too bad. Did eventually get a couple of sprinkles.

So the Dog and I made several walks and spent as much time outside as we could working on antenna’s. Well, I worked on antenna’s. He nosed around and chased butterflies.


I was given the old antenna when the Club replaced it. It’s just kind of hung on my fence for a couple of years. Took a look at it today and the only thing I can find wrong with it is the connector is corroded. So I took it apart and cleaned it up. Need about 100 feet of coax, and, if it works, I’ll probably put it up on the new tower (when I get that up).

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