Dorothy Velasquez 1943-2018

Just can’t put it off any more. My Second-Mom died 12 days after SWMBO and I drove down to see her for the first time in 37 years. She had a stroke and ramained unresponsive until they pulled life-support. My Sister, Mina, was with her. I had to go through that with my Mom and I know it ain’t easy.


So, I’ll be leaving here at zero-dark-thirty Thursday morning and drive back down for the funeral in Chico, Calif this Saturday. SWMBO isn’t going along for this one. Will rush (sort of) to get there but may take my time to get back. Not taking the Dog either. I may go on down to San Diego or over to Las Vegas and back. We’ll see.

Not a whole hell of a lot going on around here. Bored out of my skull. Hot out (90 degree’s or so) so me and the Dog have been taking off all our clothes and going for walks. Ttried making some new trails on the property next door without cutting anything. Need to spread out a bit.

Peas are coming in great. Green beans have started to get pickable. ONE cherry tomato has turned orange. Eggplant bushes are getting big but I don’t see any actual eggplant yet. Had to transplant the pepper so it’d get more sun, so it’s kinda droopy, but I expect itll catch up. Thinking next year I’ll try some corn next to that cement wall (where the tomato’s are) and see if it grows any better.

And that’s pretty much it.  The Emergency Net out of Gig Harbor and the Local NMARES Net both went well. I can communicate. SWMBO is home safely and off doing her thing.

I’m gonna go read a bit.

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