One of my favorite movies growing up was “20 Million Miles To Earth,” and, indeed, it is still one of my favorites. However, as an Adult (Well, Older Child) when I watch the movie I have all kinds of questions. Like “Why would a Zoologist, seeing an unknown life form for the very first time, put it in a cage then go to bed for the night?” “WHY, when he finds if much larger the next morning does the Zoologist run off to town?” I’d have still been up from the previous evening studying the thing. No Zoologist worth his/her salt would let something like that out of his/her sight until the Gooberment dragged it out of his/her cold, dead, hands.
But that’s me.
Took SWMBO to Red Lobster for Date Day this past Friday. No, I don’t have to take her to an expensive place to impress her, but, I still like sometimes maybe impressing her. Mostly I just enjoy spending time together. We could eat at Taco Bell (and have) and it’d be just as good for me. So, $75 later we’re both full and ready for our trip to Costco.
Yeah, our “Date Day” is the “Been Married For 36 Years” Date Days. Dinner. Home Depot. WinCo. Home. Couple of episodes of Bones (Season 4 now). Bed. Damn Your Legs Are Cold Where’s The Fookin’ Heat Pad!?
Raised the 2-meter/440 antenna AB7I gave me to about 20 feet off the ground. Works pretty good. Thinking it’ll work better half-way up my tower.
Noticed the Democraps are already screaming about REPUBLICANS stealing the next election. If they’d stop and look in the mirror they’d probably realize that they handed the elections to us. I’m going to be doing my part to create a “red” wave the likes having never been seen before for the mid-term elections. Not looking forward to all the lawsuits challenging the elections though. Just gonna slow the inevitable down, y’all. Guess we’ll get to see who the “election deniers” really are.
Trying to make my chili from freeze-dried ingredients and am not impressed with the outcome so far. Almost tastes okay but watery. Weak. I may have to reconstitute some of my chili I made last year. Figure out the differences. Oh, making the chili for the Church Trunk-n-treat of something tonight. If I have to I’ll dump 10 cans of Nallie’s in a big pot … (And maybe even open the cans first.)
I ain’t proud.
Wx sucks. Been wet and windy. Going to get wetter. Maybe windier.
Reading that the Democraps are planning to finally “bring President Trump to justice” soon after the midterm elections but before the next Presidential election. Again? Y’all should realize that the more y’all go after President Trump the more you make people like me decide to vote for him even if he grew horns and a tail and smelled like sulfur all the time.
Can’t think of anything worse than Democrat’s “Justice.” Think I’d rather just give my balls to the Spanish Inquisition. If I could ever get them back from my ex’s lawyers.
Oh, the Chili Halloween thing went okay. At the end of the evening my pot was the “emptiest” of all the pots on the table save 1. So, it may not have been good, but it was eatable. And everyone that tried a freeze-dried milk dud liked them.
I tend to tune out anyone claiming “it’s the end of our Democracy.” Y’all need to go back to school. Or maybe they’re trying out the ol’ “if you say it loud enough long enough it becomes true” schtick. Which does seem to work with the weak minded. Which seems to be most American’s these days. Free-Range Tax Payers that we are.
Forgot to post this last night. Got busy with Ham Radio stuff and just sitting and talking with SWMBO. Welcome to November. Rain all week and Lowland snow is predicted anytime now. Morning walks are getting more fun what with the wind blowing up my poncho and all.