Apr 15

Holy Crap! I Haven’t Posted In 4 Days!

M*A*S*HWhat kind of lazy POS am I? Not posting. Why, I might as well be a member of Congress (or other Government Agency).

Plain truth is: I’ve been reading. Mostly “The Destroyer” series of books; but reading none-the-less. And I’m boring.

Last Tuesday I made a non-productive trip to Shelton. Managed to not pick up either the coax I went for, not did I manage to stop by my friends house to look at his radio. DID stop and grab an excellent burger at “Bob’s Burgers” in Allyn on the way home. Ate over looking the Sound and just chillin’. That burger was good!

Wednesday I woke up with a headache so was pretty much useless all damned day. As usual, it started to go away about half an hour before bedtime. Then, just about the time I drifted off to sleep SWMBO bounds out of bed on her way to the bathroom. Which woke me up and it was awhile before I got back to sleep.


Thursday? That was just yesterday. Not a thing comes to mind.

Today I made the Bank run for the Club. Made a Bank run for myself. Then drove out by the Airport and contracted for a digger to be delivered early Monday morning. (This next Monday. Not the last Monday. Nevermind.) Been working on the Club Insurance for awhile. Checking with a Company in Oregon to see how much they’d charge us per year.

s6aAnd that’s pretty much it. Been working on the MCARC Forums while watching rescue crew’s in Japan do their thing. I remember when I was young enough to do that. Enjoyed the Hell out of it.

Oh, my Uncle called me this morning to double check that we’re planning to go to the Family Reunion this year. Yep. As it stands now, that is.

I get to pick SWMBO up in about half an hour. Think I’ll take the Dog with me. Wait freaks him out though. He’s just not sure how to handle that.

Apr 11

Not Another Manic Monday!

Not much of an anything day. After my usual chores I just could not get started on anything. Took the Dog for a walk and it was too cold for me. Needed to climb on the roof (even though SWMBO really doesn’t like me doing that with no one else home) and continue pressure washing; but just couldn’t make myself.


Matter of fact, other than finally giving the Dog a flea bath (which he absolutely hates and I even let his head above water so he can breathe every once in awhile!), about all I’ve done today is “play” in X-Plane, World Editor trying to “fix” the couple of airports I’m working on, the new Club Forums trying to get things to working right (and people to join), and eat. (And even eating was a no brainer: left over Mexican from our Date dinner last Saturday.) In other words: I’ve been on my Old, Fat, Ass all damned day.


I don’t feel particularly depressed, or sad, or happy, or anything really. Pretty normal feelings-wise today. Just can’t get motivated to get anything “extra” done. I even skipped my usual treadmill walk. Pathetic. I know!


Anywho, I’m gonna go lay down and read. Might as well improve my mind. Tumblr, here I come!

Apr 10

Things Are Coming Along Pretty Good

Forbidden03aSpent most of the day cleaning up for company and working on the new MCARC Forums. Downloaded a program for monitoring Wx nationwide (or for whatever States you choose). Started the Ham and Sweet Taters to baking. I’m so good!

Dinner with the prospective-in-laws went well. I thought. Seems to be nice folks. Stayed pretty late.

Had time for the MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net, an after-Net phone conversation, finishing up some changes to our website, and now it’s bedtime. Short Post Tonight! Lucky Y’all!!

Apr 08

Really Nice Outside! Really Nice.

Nicole in "Invasion"
Yep, this morning started rather early today. 0515 as usual, but it just felt earlier. I sure wouldn’t mind one night of uninterrupted sleep! Just 7 hours.
Been “playing” with a program, gif2apng, that turns .gif files into animated .png files. Then I got to “playing” with my WordPress trying to increase the upload limit cause making .gif’s under 2 mb is a real pain sometimes. I just want 5 mb is all!
I was able to include this 3.7 mb file by manually uploading it then linking to it, but, I want to be able to just include it here and have it upload.
Found 7 copies of this picture from where I tried uploading by just making a regular post and it kept erroring out. I just don’t know.Forbidden00b_thumb.gif
Anywho, I’ve probably bored you to tears with all this technical stuff. On to my usual Friday! (Well, mostly usual.)
bi03ssSo I went to my friend’s and picked up my new rider-mower. Bad solenoid. Cost me $100 to get it all fixed; more than worth it since the rider-mower was given to me in the first place. Injured myself taking it off the truck at home. Damned Klutzy POS! Works great though. Already mowed the back yard. Works just fine.
So I mowed the front-lower yard too. Then moved the Caravan to a different place in the yard getting ready for when I rent a digger for a day. Nice out there!
I’m done for the day. It’s 1600 and I should start to figure out what I’m going to fix myself for dinner. Or I may just go get taco’s while picking SWMBO up at the QFC @ 1915 this evening. Kind of late for me to be eating but I can handle it. I think.
I gotta reboot my computer into Windows and get the MCARC bank statements and get those printed out before bedtime. Might as well get that done! (Posting WAY early.)