Apr 10

Been Learning To Wok. NOT Making The “Sweet & Sour Cow Vagina.”

I don’t think I can get *that* hungry. And I’ve been pretty hungry at times in my life.

Haven’t posted because there is just nothing happening around here and I get busy, and forgetful. Which I like (Not the forgetful part). I’ve had “excitement” and I much prefer the boring. Contractor coming over tomorrow to start the process of getting the FILA started. Doctors appointments done. May be able to get surgery on my left knee. May get a new CPAP. Looks like I’m going to live. Unless I don’t.

Was cruising Amazon the other night and came across a picture of my Ex-, the (her words) “renowned artist and children’s book” author. Look, if that’s true: glad for her. But I’m wondering why her last name isn’t the same as the guy she married after me; since they were married for 30+ years. Do I care? No. Just wondering. (You know: Did he die? Did he suicide when he realized he should have left her in Alaska when she ran off that time? She off him? God take pity on him? What?)

Thing is, she’s (my Ex-) written a book about the physical/mental abuse she suffered from her Father. Which would explain a LOT of things that happened in our marriage; but I never once heard of it in the 11 years we were together. Not once. May even explain the “bike accident” reason given for not being a virgin when we first “slept” together. (Which didn’t “bother” me at all. I’d been around.) But she never, ever, shared any of it with me. Hmm…

Thing is, thing is, I’m wondering if I have a chapter of my very own? Filled with only her perception of “what happened.” A one-sided account of the trials and tribulations of being married to me and all the HELL I put her through. Still Scarred For Life And Waking Up Every Morning Cursing My Name. (And the 5.5 kids we had together.)

I’m almost tempted to buy it just to see. Except I’m not really interested in bringing up any of all that again. Was hard enough to go through the first time. And I don’t really care what anyone that has read her book thinks of me. Water under the bridge.

Don’t get me wrong: I was a pure Dick for almost all the last few years of our marriage. No, I was. But you can’t say that all our problems were my fault. Other than her being bat-fuck crazy we got along pretty good. 😛 But I also know that a few things she believed/s happened never really did.

For someone that’s always been desperate to be “beautiful” and “young” and all that she almost doesn’t look like an almost 70 year old trying to look 30. In that I do feel sorry for her.

Hope she has a nice life.

Anyway, hydroponics is going okay. Lettuce and Spinach growing real fine. Tomato’s grow about 7 inches then look like they’re dying off. Still haven’t found the problem; but I will. Thinking of buying some actual “bato” boxes and restart with a different setup.

Starlink is still working great! It’s a universe of difference around here. Haven’t been able to find the place to change our network addresses (hate the standard 192.168 etc sequence), but I will. Re-setup Cups for printing and Pi-hole for the DNS/ads stuff. SWMBO’s up and running and can even print now. She’s accepting Linux.

Raining. Been raining. Supposed to rain for the next week. I’m so tired of sitting here at my desk cause we can’t go outside for long. Which is why I’m trying to learn to use my wok. Made some fried rice for dinner tonight and the best I could say about it is: It Didn’t Gag Us.

Since “they” arrested President Trump, I’ve been wondering when they’re going to dig up Richard Milhouse Nixon and try him for his crimes.

Mar 30

Chest Aches From Climbing On The Roof, But …

Before Star link today:

After Star link today:

Only being up about 15 minutes. Needless to say: I’m Impressed. And so is SWMBO.

For us, the $120/mo is only $40 more than we’re paying now but looks to be completely worth it.

Fuck That’s Fast.

Years ago, a young Navy Pilot was injured while ejecting from his A-4  Skyhawk due to engine failure during a catapult shot from the carrier.

 Due to the heroics of a rescue helicopter crew and the ship’s hospital staff, the only permanent injury was the loss of one ear.

 Since he wasn’t physically impaired, he remained on flight status and eventually became an Admiral. However, during his career, he was always sensitive about his appearance.

 One day, the Admiral was interviewing two Navy Master Chiefs and a Marine Sergeant Major for his personal staff.

 The first Master Chief was a Surface Navy type and it was a great interview. At the end of the interview the Admiral asked him, “Do you notice anything different about me?”

 The Master Chief answered, “Why, yes, Admiral. I couldn’t help but notice that you are missing your starboard ear, so I don’t know whether this impacts your hearing on that side.”

 The Admiral got very angry at this lack of tact and threw him out of his office.

 The next candidate, an Aviation Master Chief, when asked this same question answered, “Well yes, Sir, you seem to be short one ear.”

 The Admiral threw him out as well.

 The third interview was with the Marine Sergeant Major. He was  articulate, extremely sharp, and seemed to know more than the two Navy Master Chiefs put together. The Admiral wanted this guy, but went ahead with the same question. “Do you notice anything different about me?”

 To his surprise, the Sergeant Major said, “Yes Sir. You wear contact lenses.”

 The Admiral was impressed and thought to himself, what an incredibly tactful Marine. “And how would you know that?” the Admiral asked.

The Sergeant Major replied: “Well, sir, it’s pretty hard to wear glasses with only one fuckin’ ear.”

Mar 20

It Was A Slow Sunday Afternoon. Then, Suddenly, Absolutely Nothing Happened. Need Some Coffee.

Don’t know what to tell you.

New Study: Lifelong Marriage Reduces Risk of Dementia: Probably mostly because SHE won’t give HIM the satisfaction and HE won’t get dementia without her permission. I’ve been married awhile …

“Shattering Records” – Wildfires in 2021 Emitted a Record-Breaking Amount of Carbon Dioxide: And, somehow, it’s all Trumps fault.

How Parents Decide if They Should Vaccinate Their Kids Against COVID-19: Try it first on the kids you’re not quite so fond of. If it works …

Revolutionizing Biotechnology: Scientists Create Supercharged Bacteria with Immunity to Viral Infections: Because gain of function on the COVID wasn’t deadly enough.

Physicists Confirm 50-Year-Old Hypothesis About Selfish Behavior: We’d love to share the results with you but it’s Mine. Mine!

Revolutionizing Neuroscience: First-Ever Complete Wiring Map of Insect Brain Neurons: Unfortunately, they used only 2300 Democrats in the study. Offer them more “free” shit to participate. That’ll work.

Made three (3) dump runs with my dump trailer this week; totaling just over 3000 lbs of wallboard taken out of the Father-In-Law Apartment (FILA). Was fairly easy and the dump trailer worked a charm. Saturday’s run I even got through quickly cause I didn’t have to wait in the “unload it yourself” line. I got to use the dump trailer side. Cool. Less than $200 for the three loads.

Hired a young guy and a couple of his friends to tear out the FILA and load the trailer. Best $500 I’ve spent lately! They did good work.

Contacted the Recycle/E-waste place about the butt-ton of old cd/dvd cases I have that I’m looking to get rid of. Nope; not recyclable. I can donate/give them to someone or throw them out in the trash (where they will sit in the ground for 1000+ years). Just seems like they’re made of plastic so they should be able to be remade into other plastic “things.” Melt them down and recast them in a new shape. If I had the means I’d try it here at home. With aluminum cans too. Wonder how much a small furnace would cost?…

My hydroponics experiment in my bathroom is going well. The spinach is doing really well. The lettuce not so much. The tomato plants are taking off and doing so well that I took one and put it in a pot to do the “Kraty(?)” method. Just to experiment. Yeah, I know we’re going into spring in a couple of weeks; but I’m trying to learn this stuff.

Made a kick-butt pork roast in my insta-pot for dinner. Pork was still mostly juicy. SWMBO liked the carrots: which I put a couple spoonfuls of Lemon Curd (jelly), wrap in tin foil, and put on top of the meat when I cook it. Pressure cook for 15 minutes and let depressurize “naturally.” Taters were kind of a bit too mushy though.

Ah well.

Been watching those “shuffle dance” video’s on YouTube. I don’t think I had that much energy when I was that age!


Mar 14

Centurylink Techs Stopped By. Internet Appears To Be Fixed. Went From 0.40 mbps Down to 2.45 mbps Down.

Which means more to SWMBO than to me. Happy Wife. Happy Life. All it took was switching pairs in the wire and a new modem. They were slightly surprised that our modem was so old (8 years or so) and it still worked.

So she’s off in her room doing genealogy on ancestry.com and familysearch.com AND listening to YouTube music happier than a tornado in a trailer park.

Hired a young guy to tear walls out in the FILA. He got a lot done today! Impressive. Filled the utility trailer with wallboard so we’ll have to make a dump run tomorrow. Cool! Found big black ants (hopefully NOT carpenter ants but I’ll find out) and lots of mouse poop. Told SWMBO to turn her new cat loose overnight down there. Probably not happening.

I’m going to bed.