Oct 25

Sometimes It’s Not Worth …

Keeping a local database of things. Take keeping track of the TV episodes of a show you have. I’ve been playing with GCstar and I like how you can enter a TV show name, and it will go out and bring back in all the seasons and episodes. Nice. (Unfortunately, it doesn’t also bring in a synopsis of each episode. Nor is there any place to put one. That needs to be fixed. ASAP!)


But, why? I can find all that information on Wikipedia, Imdb, TV.com and a dozen other places. The only thing they don’t have listed are the actual episodes I have on our TV drive. (Which is usually ALL of any particular program cause I’m OCD that way.) So why keep any of that information locally?

Not much going on around here these past couple of days. SWMBO took me to Red Lobster yesterday for dinner. We walked the Mall and I splurged on Seasons 2 & 3 of JAG at B&N. (Walmart would have been cheaper but I was there and SWMBO wanted them. For some reason, what she wants is important to me.)


Rained like crazy for awhile this morning. Really coming down! Woke her up noisy. I need to check to see if the burn ban is off yet … No. I’m not complaining about the rain nor am I comparing it to what they’re getting in Texas. It was just a downpour for a few minutes that we really need. I’m still worried about fires locally.

Normal Sunday routine now. Laundry. Ripping those programs. Downloading the latest Doctor Who. Answering e-mails about the new repeater the Club wants to get. (There is a real Repeater War coming up this next meeting! It’s gonna be nasty!)

Gas Station June 15 1932 A St and Water_2

SWMBO is making some kind of broiled steak for dinner. Yummy!

Kind of listening in on PSK31 on 20-meters. Kinda Sorta busy. Didn’t see any signals at all on the other frequencies (6-160) though. I should start making contacts again.

Just ordered the Raspberry Pi B starter kit online and it should be here sometime around 5-8 days. Still have absolutely no idea what I’m going to do with it; but thought I’d get it and play with it anyway. It’ll probably wind up as a media/print server. We’ll see.

That’s really it. MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net went well. Only had 6 check-ins tonight. Everyone else must be out enjoying the rain!

Oct 10

It Be Raining Like Crazy Out There!

megan2Which has it’s good, and bad, points. We really need the rain right now. But, it’s raining. Dark enough (at Noon) for me to turn on my main light in my room. Finally got cool enough to turn the heat on. Seems that maybe Winter has finally started to arrive here for the year. Suxs!

Really hasn’t been much going on here. Been down in the basement the past couple of days putting the old cabinets up and getting the doors on them. Kind of straightening up. Trying to get all the things off the floors so I can work on them.

Have a butt-ton of old electronic/computer stuff that I need to get rid of. Might just throw everything in a big box and take it to the next Club meeting and let the guys shift through for anything they might be able to use. I’ll probably never use some of that stuff again. Only other thing is to find a recycle place that’ll take it.

Speaking of the Club: MCARC meeting went well this morning. The members present all voted to get a new Repeater! Damn Cool! Ours is so fooked up right now. It went into a transmit loop today. Some of the parts get so overheated that the techs turned the output power down. Which means our signal isn’t getting out as far. (I can barely hold contact from my house now.) All in all it should have been replaced years ago. (Now I get to inform the two guys that like working on the damned thing that it’s going to be replaced and ask them for help with the new one. Oh, Joy.)


And the research of which new Repeater to get will go on for a couple of months now. Then the decision on which to get. Then actually getting it delivered, installed, and set up. Probably sometime late next summer it’ll be up and running. And, even voting to get a new one will piss our Tech Guys off so who knows where that’ll lead.

Pretty “normal” Saturday around here now. Waiting on SWMBO to get home to take us out to dinner someplace. Kind of feel like walking the Mall so we’ll probably eat at Arby’s since she likes them and we’ll be in that neighborhood.

Heard several reports of downed trees and power lines around the area so far. Periods of heavy rain with gusts of wind. Damn, we could be having our first storm of the Winter.


So we went to Silverdale and checked out a new restaurant. Way too loud for the Old in us! Walked half the Mall and went to Red Robin for a burger. They have good burgers.

Walked the other half of the Mall after dinner (where I bought myself a small TARDIS for my window sill), made our usual stop at Safeway (where I found (and rented) TREMORS 5!!!), and now we be home.

Sep 17

I Had To Do It. Had To. Real Shoes.

But it was raining out and I needed to go check mail. Which is about the only thing I’ve done outside today. Except for that 2.8 minutes the Sun really did come out. Was nice. But still wet. Flip Flops just ain’t gonna hack it. (Had socks on also but don’t tell anyone!)


Like I said, it was raining some today. Came down hard a couple of times. You can almost hear the trees sucking it all in. Rained for almost 5 minutes before a drop actually hit the ground! Yes, even in the “open” areas.


Not much going on today. Move a lot of dining room furniture into the Big Room and swept from my room to the dining room getting ready to mop it tomorrow. Then I watched a lot of video’s on the Raspberry PI most of the afternoon. (Takes that long because of our slow Internet connection.)


And that’s pretty much it. Mostly boring day doing “housework” and my usual chores. Not getting outside much. Did start measuring for those shelves I want to put in the caravan; but, other than that, really didn’t accomplish a lot today. Ah well. Old and Retired, you know.

Sep 14

Well, I Did It. Long Pants.

First time in, what, 4 months? I usually wear nothing, except when I have to go somewhere, then I put on shorts and t-shirt (and sandals). Except when the high is 54 freakin’ degrees (like today). Then I switch to long pants.And it ain’t going to get any better for the next 5-6 months. Or more. (Don’t get me started.)


I Am Not going to be one of those WaRshingtonian’s that wear sandals, shorts, and a big, fluffy, winter coat. Are you cold or not? Dipshitiots. I hate this fookin’ State.

magda04cmagda02bStill, kind of looking forward to the rain we’re supposed to get for the rest of the week. Only because we really need it to rain for a couple of weeks at least. I’ve never seen it so dry around here and I’m still worried about fire breaking out in the Tahuya Forest (which is right behind my house). And I need to burn trash sometime. (I only burn what the State won’t accept for recycling but would charge me to get rid of, and isn’t exactly toxic to burn. So, that’s all the cardboard we get that I can recycle. If y’all need to blame someone for me burning trash, blame the junk mail senders.) It’s about time to make a can run to Navy City Metals too. And a regular dump run. And a not so regular dump run.

Made a trip to WinCo in Bremerton where I spent $30 more than I meant to. Really just went for Tea and a bag of my peppermint candies. Got so much more. So much. It is so hard for me to “man shop” WinCo. (Or Home Depot. Lowe’s. St. Vinnies. ACE Hardware.)


Then made a trip back into town to pick up a couple of box’s that SWMBO’s folks sent.

Again: That’s pretty much it. Just chillin’ and watching “Planes” until bedtime. SWMBO made it home safe and has eaten so everything is right with the world.