Jul 29

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fsx1cSupposed to be another hot one today! Yay! I really wish there was a way to store up all this Solar Energy (the heat really) and use it during Winter. Then, on one of those particularly dreary, wet, cold winter days you could just pop the top on a can of Sunshine & Warm Wx and go for it. If someone would get off their ass and invent transparent aluminum dome’s would be a good thing too.

French04Windows 10 is rolling out today. I’m really up in the air about “upgrading” or not. I do not like giving MS as much control over my computer as they want with Windows 10. Read the EULA. Besides, mostly, Windows 7 is doing almost exactly what I want it to do. Still, if I could figure out how to get Linux to run all 3 of my monitors I’d switch over in a heart beat.

Having a bit of a problem with that. I’ve already broken Linux Mint 3 times trying to get it to drive all 3 monitors. Got it to put the exact same desktop on them once; then it crashed at the next reboot. And every reboot after that. But I’m still going to play with it. I figure I can always run any Windows program I think I really need in Play-On-Linux and WINE. Probably.

My thermometer says 100 right now. It feels like 100 out there. I like it! Been for several walks around the back 40. Been relaxing on the front steps between doing other things outside. Of course, the News folks are going bug-fuck crazy covering the heat. You’d think civilization as we know it is coming to an end. (Oh, wait. Already happened and Seattle leads the way!)

2014-09-24_69bMade a run to the Naval Hospital and picked up my Meds refill. It was a nice drive actually. Turns out I worked the NavHosp Photo Lab (a damned long time ago) with the lady that was behind the glass at the pickup. Cool! No, I didn’t recognize her; she recognized me. Still cool.

Cloned my Windows partition just in case I decide to go with Windows 10. And if I decide I just don’t like it. And if I can’t get Linux (whatever version I finally wind up with) to work with my monitors. Clonezilla seems to work pretty good.

MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Evening Chat Net went well. The new antenna (I built) received just great. Clear as a bell, as they say. Man it was nice! BUT, they couldn’t hear me worth beans. Crap! So I switched back to the old antenna; and it worked great. I’ll tell you, there is just no telling when it comes to radio signals.

Anywho, that’s about it for tonight. Not a lot going on. SWMBO loved the chied fricken I made for dinner. I like it when she enjoys the meals I make. (They happen so rarely now-a-days!)

Jul 20

Thank You POS Windows Update!

Damned Windows did an update and now my radio laptop doesn’t want to boot normally. Keep having to run repair and then it’ll go into windows (7) normally; for awhile. It will eventually crash again and I have to repeat all the steps, again. Don’t they test this shit before they pump it out to the world? Dipshidiots! Every time this happens (which is more often than one would think) I get just that much closer to switching over to Linux.


Pretty much a SSDD around here. Got all my chores done. Sat out in the sun for awhile. Watered the garden and a couple of the yards. Can’t understand why my neighbors insist I have something on when I do the watering though. Yeah, I’m a fat, old, not quite right looking 63 year old male, but that shouldn’t mean anything. I’d be willing to bet if I were a young, buxom, 16 year old girl they wouldn’t complain about it as much.


Playing online part of the day with setting up another photo gallery on my site. Just cause I like playing and need something to do sometimes after I get all my chores done. Now playing with WordPress and importing all (4000+) Tumblr posts. Just to see what it’ll do. A week from now I’ll probably delete it. I have plenty of room on my server but get tired of playing. Sides, it’s “experience.”

Nice day out. Didn’t get as hot as the past couple of days but still managed to get near 90 degrees here.


Finally wound up running system restore on my laptop. Had to go back several weeks to find one that worked. Freakin’ Windows Updates! (Which I’m thinking is their new official name!) Now, of course, it wants to do “updates” again. Figure those odds and bet on NOT! (For a week or two at least.)

Jul 19

Hella Hot Around Here! Nice! Nice! Nice!

Other than that just a normal SSDD Sunday. Me doing things around the house. SWMBO made one of her special meals for dinner. Laundry is almost done. My other usual chores pretty much done. I could be lazy for the rest of the afternoon if I wanted. Yeah, sure. So I watered the upper-front and lower-back yards. Among other things.


Yesterday at Lowe’s I bought 2 10-foot long steel poles with this little thingie that lets you attach them end-to-end. Got out (yes, in this heat) and attached my 2-meter/440 antenna to one of them. Attached the other one to the post I have sticking into the ground. Then attached the one with the antenna to the top of the one secured to the post. Now my antenna sticks a good 20 feet into the air at the base. It really sticks up there. Kind of wobbles in the wind so I may have to guy it.

So far, radio checks with various repeaters have been okay. I may still need to move it depending if I really want to use a particular repeater or not. The only one I’m dead set on using is the MCARC Repeater. Other than that, it really doesn’t matter.


Heard the Sheriff dispatch call for someone to “Check out an abandoned vehicle on top of a shed.” a bit earlier. I think I’d want to go check that one out. Heard calls for a couple of fires too.

Moved some more Manor Stones to the upper front yard to make those border thingies around a couple of the fruit trees. Need to dig the grass and weeds out before setting them in place; but I will wait for a cooler day. I’m getting too old to overwork out in the heat and have lived in WaRshington too long.


I’d rather be at the beach! That’s the only thing I really miss about living in the San Diego area.

And that’s it. SWMBO and I watched the latest “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” after the MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net. About to hit the rack over an hour later than I usually do. That’s me: Wild & Crazy!

Jul 18

I Got Dinged For A $5 Late Charge On A Bill.

And it’s my own damned fault. I got this bill in the mail, set in on top of a pile of papers that seems to always be on my desk, and totally forgot about it. I’m old and my memory is … shot. So, should I tell my Provider that My Uncle in Texas died and I had to attend his funeral? Or that I think someone is going through our mailboxes? My Ex- died suddenly and took most of her family with her and I was too drunk from celebrating to even notice the rest of the world? Ooh, I know! I was waiting on a mountain top with the other Believers for Jesus to come sweeping down from Heaven in his Space Ship to pick us up. (Naw. Too Christian for today’s world. And I think I used it already.)

Wish I Were Here Today

Not much going on. Just doing my usual while SWMBO is off to the Genealogy Library. She says she’s going to take me to DQ for dinner and ice cream. Cool! Then we’ll probably make a quick run to WinCo for some more Sweet Tea (and whatever). Gotta stop by Home Depot and get a filter for the furnace vent too.

Getting warmer today and tomorrow. Supposed to be over 90 degrees in Seattle; which means around 100 degrees here at the house. Neato! This has been the best summer! I just flat out have not been wearing anything unless I have to go somewhere. (Which really surprised the UPS guy yesterday.)

Except everything is really way too dry around here. Even the black berries have been drying on the vine before they get fully ripe. Bummer! Had SWMBO pack a “bug out” bag of what she absolutely wants saved just in case there is a fire back in the Tahuya Forest. Which our place backs up against.

Then there’s that 8.0+ Earthquake we’re supposed to have sometime. Well, hopefully no falling trees will take out the Caravan so we’ll have a place to stay if the house does fall in. But I do have a couple of tents available even if the garage falls flat. Need to get a couple of 50-gallon drums for water though. Other than that we’re pretty much set up for disaster. (So he says!)


SWMBO did get home and take me out to dinner. DQ. Spent $80 at Lowe’s for some things and way too much at WinCo. We be home now. Played in X-Plane for awhile then MSFSX for awhile. About to hit the rack now. Maybe read a bit.

It was Yuma hot today. I enjoyed the Hell out of it. But you should have seen the WaRshingtonians melting!