Jun 09

Honestly, Been Meaning To Post. This Is An “I’m Alive!” Post.

But, been busy and been lazy. Really not much going on for being so busy around here. Some Sun and reasonably warm days have drawn me outside where I get absolutely nothing done because I can’t get too physical and refuse to get too mental. Look at the pretty clouds.

Father-In-Law-Apartment (FILA) it going well, except, we’ve been waiting on the dry-wallers(?) for a week now. So no progress this week.

Saw my Doc last Monday. He says I’m doing well.

Got my new CPAP via UPS last Tuesday. Set it up and got it running but it was pushing too much air so I had to research how to change the “hidden” settings and change those. YouTube! The Lady from Lincare was supposed to show up yesterday to finalize all the settings and stuff but didn’t show. Well, I figured it out. I’m somewhat smart that way. I think they just transferred all the settings from my old CPAP to the new without taking into account that my setting were HIGH because the old CPAP wasn’t pushing air as efficiently cause it was wearing out.

My Doc had put a bug in my ear last month about losing 50 lbs so I’ve been getting off my fat ass about that. Hours and hours of YouTube video’s about how upside down and wrong our food pyramid is/has been and such so I made some changes to my diet. I don’t want to DIET; I want to make diet changes. Going High Fat-Low carb. So, doubled my intake of bacon & eggs (swapped cereal every other morning for bacon & eggs which means bacon & eggs every morning), cut out about half the sugar I regularly use daily (and am working on the rest), limited my intake of carbs, and drinking more water instead of whatever sweet drink (Sunny D, Orange Juice, sodas, etc). And the Dog and I still take our morning mile every day; of course.

Lost 17 lbs last month.

Still eating a lot of things I like to eat and not “exercising” but losing the belly fat. I like that. I think I almost saw my dick the other day while drying off.

200 lbs here I come! Even my blood pressure is mostly normal all the time now.

And, spent most of yesterday in the ER being treated for Atrial Fibrillation. Since last Sunday my heart had been beating too quickly, too slowly, and irregularly; not to mention that the “missed” beats were lasting longer than normal and the medicine I take specifically for that wasn’t working. Lots of “fluttering” in my chest but otherwise felt great.

So, had SWMBO take me to Urgent Care in Belfair at noon yesterday. They freaked. Lady at the front desk asked “What’s your complaint?” I said “Possible AFib.” There was no waiting in line. They caught it real good on the EKG about 2 minutes later. Fifteen minutes later I was on an ambulance headed towards St. Mike’s in Silverdale. Again, no waiting in line.

Spent the next 7 hours laying around getting watched. Had a 4 hour IV of potassium (which burned like OH, Shit! so they had to cut it with a sodium chloride IV). Couldn’t start me on blood thinners because over 2 days had gone by and I might have a clot waiting to be dislodged that wants to head straight to my brain to wreak havoc. (I don’t want to be the veggie of the day.) So …

They finally sent me home with a 14 day monitor stuck to my chest and small notebook where I’m to log my symptoms (even out walking) if I press the button that says I’m having some symptoms, and an Rx for for potassium pills AND some blood thinners (because the threat of stroke apparently isn’t that much of a concern with me cause I’m already borderline dane brammaged anyway). And a referral to an “Electro” Cardiologist. (Gotta look that one up.)

And I “felt” totally great throughout all of that. Best I’d felt in awhile actually. Go figure.

So now I get to ask my Doctor how this is doing well; since I had told him of the “fluttering” in my chest since the previous day while I was sitting in his office.

Do I have to train another Doctor?

Anywho, sorry about not posting all my boring shit as regularly as I used to. Part busy. Part lazy. Part depression. Part almost summer and I’m still wearing a coat on my morning walk and no vitamin D. Part FILA and dump runs. Part learning new ways to eat and part I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing on a daily basis anyway.

But I still feel good about that 17 pounds. (G)

May 12

I Gotta Call The Meatloaf I Made Tonight The “DarkStar” Meatloaf

Cause it came out so dense that just a quarter of the thing has filled me up for the next 3-4 days. Stuck everything in the mixer and started it to mixing and got an emergency notice from my 70 year old bladder that I NEEDED to go to the toilet RIGHT NOW or I was going to spend some time in the shower and finding clean drawers and pants and, anyway, by the time I got back to the mixer everything was WELL mixed. Looked like a thick burger paste.

But I cooked it up anyway. Smelled great! Tasted great! Sits like a neutron star on the stomach!

Been thinking that if the SHTF that a hydroponic garden in my basement just ain’t gonna work. Where would I get the nutrient solution? Water? I got. Electricity? I can make. Nutrient solution? Hmm. So I’m thinking of trying out a GreenStalk 5 tier vertical Planter system. Uses dirt but, dirt I got plenty of.

Might be fun to play with. Or maybe an aquaponics system?

Thursday we took the fur babies to the beach up near Sequim (pronounced Squim). Wiz (our Dog) had been there before and picked right up hauling ass through the water chasing GU-11’s. Matey (the Cat); not so much. He pretty much tried to hide under every piece of driftwood we came across. But it was his first “day trip” so we kind of expected it. He does really good on a harness and leash though. For a cat.

Wx was out-fucking-standing though! SWMBO as lovely and entertaining and pleasant as ever to be with. What a nice day.

Last (Saturday?) I ordered some things from Amazon and I could have gotten it all by Wednesday, but, I opted for their “drivers day?” thingie where they make fewer deliveries on Thursday. Another day wouldn’t have made that much difference. Then, yesterday, Thursday, I get a message that there’s been a delay and my package won’t arrive until another 1-2 days, “sorry for the inconvenience see ya next order.”

Second time I opted for that. Second time my order got delayed. Which means I’ll opt for the fastest (Prime) delivery from now on.

Contractor jack hammered out the holes in the foundation for the new posts and beams to hold that portion of the house up. They poured the new 80 bazillion pound concrete in place yesterday and plan to let it harden for a week before putting everything in place. Cool. Progress continues.

Date Day. SWMBO’s taking me to Red Lobster so I’ll be in a Seafood Induced Coma later and won’t be able to post so I better post now.

May 06

At Our Advanced Ages, SWMBO & I Decided We Don’t Want To Have Kids. We’re Gonna Tell Them This Weekend.

And one of those pills the Doc gave me is making the Dr. Pepper taste funny. I mean really off. I love Dr. Pepper.

Bought a Blue Ray (Blu Ray?) of the remastered “Mysterious Island” which came in today; with a return address of Northhamptonshire, Rushden, United Kingdom. Cool! Had not realized it would be coming from England. It worked though.

We finally hired a construction guy to get the FILA done. His bid came in at $61k and he seems to know what he’s talking about. And I can’t find any negatives about his company on the net. So, made the first draw of $15k and he’s going to be starting in a week or so. Which means I have to get off my fat, lazy, old, ass and get the rest of that insulation out of the FILA. Sure will be glad to have this all done and behind us.

Was thinking of          burning down my house and building this. Just kidding. Maybe.

So there are things on the list that we (SWMBO and I) have to procure and we’ve spent the last two days going to various Home Depots and such looking for a bathroom vanity and what color/type flooring we (SHE) wants. And I have to  pick up all the lights I plan to install. Which, so far, is pricing out at only $250 for the hardware. Which ain’t bad. Oh, we get to buy the kitchen sink also.

Man, this has been in the “que” quite awhile now. Let’s see…

Got off my ass and got all the insulation out of the FILA and half of it into the utility trailer last Monday. Four hours of loading and stuffing and tramping and the dump run Tuesday and it weighed only 180 lbs. The 2nd load took 5 hours to load Wednesday and it weighed only 270 lbs. But at least it’s all gone and I don’t have to worry about it anymore. This getting old shit sucks.

The contractor put up a supporting wall and took out the wall that’s was to be removed before he left the other day. He won’t be back until next Tuesday.

SWMBO went out and spent $6k for new cabinets for the FILA kitchen. Half what the contractor and Home Depot had guesstimated.

Taking lots of pictures of the reno.

Doc appointment last Tuesday where he uppped the meds that make me pee cause my legs are still swollen and I ain’t gonna get no surgery done with swollen legs. That’s being 70 though: all the wrong parts get swollen. And none of the fun parts. He also gave me a goal of losing 50 lbs.

Had a wonderful lightning/thunder storm come through last Wednesday evening. I was outside “filming” it, of course. That’s a once-in-a-decade happening for us around here. I love lightning and thunder. I live in the wrong place for it though.

Apr 16

When Anheuser-Busch hits $1/share I’m Going To Buy 100 Shares; Just In Case.

I expect it won’t recover but $100 (plus transaction fee) ain’t much of a gamble these days. Hell, we just spent $180 at Walmart. (And $180 Plus Tax at Habitat for a used dresser.)

But, I don’t think their beer(s) will ever enjoy good sales among the “fratty” folks again. Or among just normal (if there are such) people. But, investing in anything is a gamble. Hell, right now I could probably buy the whole of Anheuser-Busch for $100 cash.

Maybe NOT getting ate by dinosaurs helped: New Study Uncovers Secret of Mammals’ Evolutionary Success

Too bad Anheuser-Busch wont be able to cash in on it: New Potential Probiotic Treatment Reduces Alcohol Absorption, Prolongs Alcohol Tolerance, and Shortens Recovery Time.

Researchers Have Developed a Blood Test for Anxiety: If they come at you with a needle and you start breathing fast and break out in a sweat, you probably feel a bit anxious. Nothing new about that.

Yet one would get arrested for doing this with your future-Ex-.: A Cost-Effective Solution to Climate Change: Burying Biomass in Dry Landfills. But, I was just helping the environment!

Fewer Unwanted Mutations – New Technique Opens the Door to Safer Gene Editing: Cause Kahn Noonian Sing is a thing. And we do so well with viri.

BTW, sorry I didn’t post for “Burt Gummer Day” last Friday. Got busy on Date Day.

Speaking of Date Day: Took SWMBO to Sherries last Thursday morning on the way to COSTCO. After eating I thought to “drain the ol’ lizard” before heading out (cause I’m Old) and went to the restroom to do that (cause folks really get upset when you stand by your table and relieve yourself for some reason). Anywho, was standing there at the urinal doing my thing when someone came in, saw the urinal in use, and went on into the stall. I finished up, washed my hands (even though HM A School taught me mostly not to pee on my hands) and pulled a paper towel. While I was drying them (my hands) I farted.

I hear from the stall: Strike One!

So I went and spent way too much money at COSTCO in a good mood.

Scientists Sound the Alarm on Emerging Tick-Borne Disease Babesiosis: Yet, no warning about the blood suckers in Washington D.C. That disease should be called “Brokenosis.” And we all caught “Bidenism” from all the “Bidenoids.”

Is it covered by Medicare and Tricare For Life? New Drug Shows Promise in Alleviating Heart Failure. And could y’all approve this one as fast as y’all approved that useless COVID vaccine? Please. I’m gettin’ old.

Taking so long to notice proves the point: Are Americans Getting Less Intelligent? Study Reveals Concerning Trend in IQ Scores,

Scientists Discover Hormone Shot Can Alleviate Symptoms of Drunkenness: Because curing Cancer just isn’t important enough.

But, but, I thought the science was settled: Climate Science Shock: Methane’s Unexpected Cooling Impact Unveiled.

New Study Indicates That Socializing Could Extend Your Lifespan: Fuck. I’m a deader.

On Date Day we stopped by Habitat and found a dresser to replace the dresser in our bedroom which will go  to the library to hold “stuff” and the gaming tv (my new name for the 45″ tv I only use on the Wii) which will replace the old small roll-top desk I’ve had forever which I’ve donated to one of SWMBO’s friends that “really want’s one!” $180. Quality built. Already in place and filled. I need to get rid of some of the t-shirts I have!

Had to do my annual log in at the MyPay website. What a pain.

Troubled Waters: Record-Breaking Rates of Sea-Level Rise Found Along the U.S. Southeast and Gulf Coasts: Which I’ll believe when Nobama and the other “Climate Change” proponents sell their beach front properties.

Anywho, she’s making kielbasa cooked in pineapple with rice for dinner. I’d better go get some peas or something to go with that.