Aug 15

Damned Near Got Killed Today!

Silver little VW car pulled right out in front of me on the highway to Belfair. Stupid person at the wheel was busy talking on the phone and didn’t even look before pulling out in front of me! I caught up with her at the stoplight in Belfair and yelled at her that I almost rammed her ass back down the road. She just gave me this "What are you yelling at me for?" look. Man, I came so close to rear ending her that my balls where still tight an hour later!

Was nice at the property. Hot! But too dusty to move much dirt around. Laid out some. Kind of started to get a headache so I came on home.

Wasn’t home more than a few minutes when I went into a full blown prodrome for a migraine. Haven’t gotten many of them lately but this one lasted almost an hour. I get a spot in my eyes where it’s like looking through a heat wave. It slowly expands into a circle that makes it really hard to see anything directly. After awhile it usually expands past my peripheral vision and the headache begins. Soon as I saw the first heat wave I popped 1000mg of motrin and drang some caffeine drink and (so far!) I haven’t gotten a headache. Of course I won’t be able to go to sleep tonight now…

My Rock Pile at the Property.
Aug 13

Haven’t Won The Mega-Lotto…

Yet! As far as I know. But I did get out to the property and (wait for it) Cut Up Some Wood to bring home and (More?) Moved Some Dirt. Nice day out there! Mostly sunny and fairly warm. My kind of weather!


Aug 12


Just had a meeting with the contractors , Jeff & Ken. Phew! After going through almost anything you could think of for building a dome the total comes out to over $371k. Phew! I knew when we first started that $150k wasn’t going to be enough; but, damn! But when you stop and look at it, with the prices nowadays it’s really not that expensive. New stick homes (in our sizes) start at $250k around here. And that’s on a quarter-acre lot! If that! We got our 5.77 acres for just over $19k and the 5.1 acre property next door (unimproved. I mean Nothing on it! POSSIBLE Mt. Rainier view (in their wildest dreams!)) just went on the market for $150k.

So, the contractors are going to really finalize the numbers tomorrow then we’ll go for financing. The monthly payments are going to be a lot; but we’ll both work to pay it off as soon as we can. GOD, I NEED TO WIN THE MEGA-LOTTO!

Aug 11

Bourne Ultimatum…

SWMBO and I went on our usual Friday date last night. Went to Red Lobster for dinner then to see “The Bourne Ultimatum”. Cool movie! Action from beginning to end. I knew at the end that Bourne was going to end up in the water with bullet holes in his back before they showed it. The only “complaint” I had with the movie was how incredibly fast, accurate and ‘all knowing’ the computers they used were. For all you ‘techno-phobes’ out there; it can be done; but it can’t be done that fast.