Oct 19

Hell Of A Windstorm!

Came through yesterday. Lost power about 1500 (or so) and didn’t get it back until about midnight. Generator worked great! We all spent time in the living room near the wood stove trying to decide who would be best for different characters from the Dragonriders Series of books.
Took SWMBO to dinner at Taco Bell and made our usual Albertson’s stop. It’s been raining (dumping!!!) since we got home so I haven’t unloaded the car yet. Man, it’s raining hard!
Looks like we’re not getting financing until about March 2008. Got a couple of ‘lates’ on our overdraft that’s kicking our butts right now. Damn!

Oct 16

Weather Sucks!

My landlord, the guy that bought our old house, has ’hired’ me to dig out the pond at his house so we went and got the digger today. (I always ment to dig out that pond but never got to it. Just too busy working and doing other things… It was raining way too hard to get started on it today though.

Really not much going on. SWMBO bought 50 pounds of apples and we (I) spent a lot of yesterday peeling & coring them (thank goodness for the peeler/corer thingie!) and boiling them down for applesauce. A friend of our brought over this thing that you pour the boiled-down apples in and turn a crank and it separates the applesauce from the skins and stuff. Worked pretty cool! I’ll have to see if there is a motorized version for my mixer. SWMBO spent a few hours today canning it all. Got about 20 pint jars of applesauce. (Note to self: next time add a bit of lemon juice to the applesauce before boiling to keep it whiter…)

Space: Above & Beyond. Keep The Dream Alive!
Oct 10

I Could NOT Sleep Last Night!

Felt like laying down around 0100. Felt tired enough to go to sleep. Couldn’t. Around 0400 I started getting hungry so I got up and got something to eat. By 0500 I just gave up getting any sleep. Been up all day.
Went out to the property EARLY and moved some dirt around and started burning the slash pile. Probably got 1/20th burned. Only sprinkled a couple of times. Was cool away from the fire.

And that’s been my day…

Oct 09

Just Not Much Going On!

Damn! I’ve been hanging around the house too much since the weather outside is mostly SUCKY! I have been out to the property and I’ve moved some dirt around and collected some rocks and generally just farted around JUST to stay out of the house awhile. Got laundry and dishes done so I’m just sitting around watching “Dirty Jobs” and playing on the computer. Maybe I’ll get my PHP Programming book out….

Just ’cause I’m bored…