Mar 31

Pretty Normal Saturday…

Well, sorta. I did get out to the property; I just didn’t go out to move any dirt. Took Poop Dog and all we did was walk around. Started a fire to keep a bit warm. Kathy showed up around 1500 and we walked around again. Poop Dog fell in a mud puddle and got mostly muddy. Was kind of nice out there. Especially with Kathy along!
We had our normal Friday night date last night. Went to El Sombrero’s. Great food! Made our usual $60+ shopping stop at Albertson’s and came home to watch a little tv before going to bed.

There’s something to be said for “Routine”!

Mar 28

Fairly Normal Wednesday…

Got out to the property about 1100. Brian (our son) met me there and we spent a good hour trying to get the ends of the pipe over that connector thingie. ALMOST got it. I’m not sure we had the pipe warm enough before I ran out of propane. Damn! So we spent a couple of hours re-digging part of the trench so I could run the cable and phone lines and bury them. Hooked my backhoe to the dozer for when we move it to the house Sunday.
Was a damn fine day out there! Didn’t rain on us once and the sun even came out long enough to warm it up enough for us to take our coats off. Course, we probably would have taken them off anyway cause we got plenty warm enough working!
Went to the 1915 showing of “300”. Cool movie! The sound and music was Wow. The visuals was Wow Wow. And, yes, even though I knew they were all going to die I still hated to see them die. Seems anyone with Honor and Valor dies….


Mar 27

Pretty Normal Day For Me Part 8000

Which means I went out to the property and worked on the water line today. Didn’t get much accomplished because I really could have used a helper. It’s hard to pull the ends of pipes onto the connector by yourself! So I came on home and started doing stuff around here…..

Chief Tyril: There must be some way out of here
Colonal Tigh: said the joker to the thief
Anders: there’s too much confusion
Tory: I can’t get no relief.
