Busy. Busy. Busy. Kind of Busy. Sorta.

Actually woke up with a headache this morning. But, as I got home late from class last night, and ate on the way home (way late for me), and forgot to take my meds, it was no wonder I woke with one this morning. Couple of Migraine Headache tablets and my meds pretty much had it gone by 0800. And Coffee! Can’t forget the coffee.


Spent most of the day doing “stuff.” Had to boot back into my old Windows 7 to log on to the bank (my account was locked for some reason so I had to call their support folks) and download what I’ve been spending my money on this past month to get my MoneyManagerEX up to date (I like knowing what I have without logging on). Then had to log on to our insurance company to change the Lienholder on the truck from one Credit Union to another. (Which I couldn’t do online so had to call their support folks anyway.) Then back to the bank to try to set up a BillPay for the new truck payment. Then to the Other Credit Union to see how much I had left there. (More than I expected and I’ll be closing that account tomorrow.)


The usual chores. Went and filled the truck (gas tank!) with – gas. (Put 23.5 gallons in a 24 gallon tank.) Paid “only” $2.28/gal with my $0.20/gal discount. Not bad. Not as good as $1/gal would be; but not bad. Figured I might as well drop the Netflix off at the Post Office while I was out.

Got back home, loaded the garbage can in the back of the truck, and made a dump run. Was going to take the Renter’s garbage but his can was only half full so I didn’t. Half/Full, it would cost the same. Might as well wait. Maximum bang for the bucks, I always say.

Chapada dos Guimarães no Mato Grosso, Brasil (Chapada dos Guimarães at Mato Grosso, Brazil)

Got off my fat, old, ass and made meatloaf, mashed taters, and something called “Southwestern” Corn for dinner. Oh, I could have ate the left over pizza I found in the fridge, but, SWMBO & Son get “foo-foo” pizza so I decided to pass.

The MCARC Wednesday 2-meter Chat Net went well. Had about 7 check-ins.

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