Posting this late. Again.
Yesterday was our normal Saturday routine. SWMBO off to the Genealogy Library. Me puttering around the house. Pretty SSDD really.
SWMBO got home around 1530 and took me out and about. Quick stop at Home Depot for a LED flood light for the front porch. Early dinner at the Teriyaki Chicken place next to Albertson’s. Then on to COSTCO for cereal and “stuff.”
It was the “stuff” that was spendy. SWMBO has needed a new phone for ages; she’s just worn hers out. She stopped by the Verizon booth and finally settled on a Samsung Galaxy S5 ($299). And a LG G Pad X8.3 ($40) for me. And, even with the LG G Pad, lowered our monthly phone bill by almost $50/month. Cool!
The Pad has 4G but will use wi-fi when available. It’s 8.3” wide, which is a bit wider than my Nexus 7. So far it seems to work nice. Being new and all I’d expect that.
Love my Nexus 7. But the “updates” Google have been pushing out this past year have dicked with it to the point that it just isn’t that much fun to use anymore. Slows down to a crawl and many apps crash for no apparent reason.
Plus this will let me totally root the thing with Cyanogenmod to see if that makes it any better.
Today has been totally SSDD. Anyone feel the need to help an Old Guy with the laundry?
NOW it’s Monday and it be caught up.
SWMBO’s Son overslept this morning so I had an emergency directive to drive her to the Ferry Landing. I really don’t mind taking her; I just hate being rushed! Traffic was okay going there but we still didn’t make it in time for her to catch her usual ferry. And my mentioning that if she would leave just 5 minutes earlier every day she wouldn’t have to worry about making it on time would NOT have improved anything; so I didn’t mention that. Again.
Ah well. Time for a run to the bank. Probably more later. Probably.