“Sure wish it would quit raining.” I thought to myself just as I stepped into the shower this morning.Stop and think about that. And it did. Just long enough to take the Dog for a walk around the back 40. There are places we don’t go though, because of the squishy ground and pools of water. But he had a great time anyway.
Other than that, it’s been a really dark, rainy, day. Downpoured really hard a couple of times. Really hard. So I’ve stayed inside (mostly) getting my chores done, reading, playing with X-Plane, changing some lightbulbs out, and listening to the radio. (The Ham radio as opposed to the Internet radio. Which is what I usually mean when I say I’ve been listening to the radio.)
And that was my day. Boring.SWMBO is home safe though and that’s a really important matter to me. Cause she’s important to me.
Think I’m gonna to lay down and read.
Why are y’all still reading this? Go! Enjoy your significant others company for awhile.