Yep. Pretty Much Back To SSDD

It was overcast but fairly nice outside so the Dog and I spent as much time as we could out there. I fixed my Rider-Mower then mowed both the front yards, then the back yard. Moved some dirt into the tires I’m putting up to grow my maters this year. (Will probably stick to 1 beefsteak & 1 cherry tomato plants this year.)

Earth Bombardment in Universe Sandbox

Then we went for a walk, and, wouldn’t you know it, about 1/4 mile down the road it started coming down. Damn! Was a wet walk back. Damn. Too Old for this crap.

Not a whole lot else going on. Which is why we’re back to SSDD around here. Started up X-Plane 10 and flew around awhile. Been listening to all my Enigma albums. Made some type of stir-fry dinner that’s been in the freezer since Moses was a little boy. (Noodles were rubbery. Really rubbery.)


Waiting for the MCARC 10-meter Tuesday Rag Chew @ 1930. SWMBO should be home any moment.

The One Burning Question I have for this evening is: How in the name of all that’s Holy can Amazon charge MORE for the electronic version of a book than they do for the printed (then sent to you) version? Just doesn’t make any sense. Look up “Odd Thomas” on Amazon and you’ll see what I’m talking about. It’s Stupid!

Anywho, that’s my life today. Pretty much SSDD.

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