I don’t know what it was about today, but, I’ve gotten about as much done as a snail climbing uphill on a greased pole. Meaning: Very Damned Little.
Might have been because the Wx Lady on the News said today is going to be the last “decent” day for awhile. Hight of 63. Sunny. Supposed to drop to 53 and cloudy (maybe rain) tomorrow and for the forseeable future. Fall moving into Winter. Sucks!
Or it could have been just cause I’m a lazy old guy. Did spend about an hour just laying out in the sun. Too cold to wear shorts (or nothing) but was nice laying out anyway.
So, didn’t actually accomplish much today. Did get several walks in between my bouts of extreme laziness. I gotta quit doing that!
The NMARES Monday Net went great; once we moved to a simplex frequency. Our repeater just isn’t working right yet.
And that’s it. Lazy Old Guy Day. Good Net. SWMBO got home safe and I’m gonna go smooch with her a bit.