Apr 19

Bit of Rain. And A Bit Of Rain Too.

Got up late this morning (0730) and felt kind of slow (sleepy) all damned day. Here it is almost bedtime and I still feel tired. I gotta quit doing that!

white1Dog and I managed to make a couple of walks between the raindrops. Took him out a few times and let him just run around to let him work off some of this energy. He took off after birds a couple of times but came back when called. That’s good.

We also drove over to one of the guy’s from the club’s house to look at his camper he’s trying to sell. Not only wasn’t it really in the best of shape (maybe one more trip in it) (I could have worked with that though) it was way too long for my truck. I have a 6 ft bed and this thing was built for an 8 ft bed. Huge Camper! It just wouldn’t have worked. Ah, well. Craig’s List here I come again.

Popped a bag of popcorn and set a trap for any large mice/rats that might be coming in through the garage. I cannot find anyplace where they might be getting in except for unders the stair coming in from the garage. (And I’m not even really sure about that.) Next time it quits raining for any goodly amount of time I’ll walk around the outside of the house again for another look.

I’m going to bed. I’m tired.

Apr 17

Wow. Another Rainy Monday.

NC-003gWho’d a thunk. But, up until around 1500 or so it wasn’t too bad. A bit cool. Had to wear my winter shirt when the Dog and I went for our walks, but, over all, not too bad. And then it started to rain. And rain. And really rain. WaRshington.

Dog was pretty bored so I gave him one of those bone-thingies to chew on. I made Devil’s Food Cake cupcakes. Washed 3 boxes of canning jars. My usual chores. Finally took some things to the basement that I’ve been meaning to take to the basement.

It’s way later and I’m going to bed. Old, you know.

Y’all got off easy tonight!

Apr 16

Just To Show How OLD I Can Be

Yesterday morning I was SO out of it that I sat and drank about half a cup of Hot Sweet Water before I realized that I hadn’t put the damned K-cup in the Keurig before turning the thing on. The 2nd cup was WAY better!


Yesterday was Date Day and it went pretty much as it usually does. Which means spending time with my lovely-young-bride of 30+ years was the best part. The Chili Burger at Sister’s Restaurant was pretty good too. We spent way too much money at Walmart though. So much I gave SWMBO $20 out of pocket to pay for the 3 blu-ray movies I got.

Speaking of which: I finally started “redeeming” those on-line copies of the movies I buy. Wish I had done that with the first 20+ I’d bought. They (so far) play pretty good on my devices through Google Play.


Today was a really nice day. Easter Sunday too. Sunny. Almost a get naked and lay out day. Almost. So we spent a good deal of time outside. Started the garden by planting Peas, Lima Beans, Brussels Sprouts & Cauliflauer.

Made a nice little video of that stupid Dog trying to eat a bumble bee. (Funny!)

And, other than that, just the usual. Laundry is done. Dishes from the excellent dinner SWMBO made are done. MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net went well. Done with X-Plane for the night. About time to take my meds and hit the rack.


Oh, Yeah! The Doctor started up again. Nice. Wasn’t sure if I’d like the “new” companion, but she’s kinda growing on me. We’ll see. I still miss Amy & Rory & Clara (and River!) though. Ah well …

Apr 14

Sick Sick Sick Of The Rain Rain Rain!

Sun was out quite a bit today, but, it didn’t take long for it to start sprinkling or outright raining again. Off & On All Danged Day. Dog didn’t care but I sure did. Sometimes it was even raining with the Sun shining on us. That Sucks!


Managed to get some things straightened up out there though. New tower is moved out of the way so I can mow when the yard gets dry enough. Spread some of the rocks in my “rock garden” up against the house out a bit. Pulled some weeds. Threw the ball for the Dog.

So I got lazy for dinner and made myself some Roach Coach Burrito’s

Worked @ Burger Chef in Yuma. 1968

Also got to pick SWMBO up at the QFC tonight. Friday routine, you know. We’re both just settling in for the night. Think I’ll go watch a movie while laying down. (Or read. I’m big on reading.)