So, RCW 59.18.310 not-with-standing, and the law saying that it considers a rental abandoned after 15 days of not paying rent, it still leaves a mess for me to clean
up. Took a butt-ton of pictures of the mess, yes MESS, down there. Dirty dishes in the sink, pans with grease in them on the stove, food left out. There’s a good 8 hours work just in the kitchen alone. So, should I stand at the sink down there and do dishes or should I box them up and bring them up and run them through the dishwasher?
Then, the rest of the MILA is dirty, dingy, disorganized, and just plain depressing. The clothes in the bottom of the closet fill her 10 ft couch 2 feet deep. Trash all over. Even in her underwear drawer. Even found fossilized cat shit in the closet. Her bathroom is about the cleanest room and still not clean enough for me to take a shower in it. I’m far from being the “perfect” housekeeper, but, damn, even I do a better job than that. (We’re messy, not dirty.)

All the flat surfaces have a build-up of grime that’s going to take some scrubbing and, honestly, the whole place needs repainting and brighter lights installed. Many brighter lights installed. The floor is puckering in places (???) and needs to come up and fixed and replaced. Looks like the fridge might need replacing. I’ll try deep cleaning it first, of course.

Anywho, nothing else going on around here. It snowed again today for a couple of hours but nothing really stuck to the ground. Dog is bored as hell even though we’ve been on several walks. Even during the snow once.
On a brighter note: My soft-serve ice cream maker came in yesterday. Tried it out last night and it worked just fine. Need to finesse the goop mix a bit, but that’ll come with experience. Tasted just like real soft-serve!
A company was supposed to come fix SWMBO’s windshield today but rescheduled for Friday. Said the replacement glass had flaws and wanted to get a new one. Go for it! Only the best for SWMBO. (But, maybe, they didn’t want to work out in the rain/snow either. Just saying.)
Anywho. That’s about it from around here. Mostly stuck inside unless I want to get bundled up for a walk or two or three or … Starting to clean the MILA and kinda upset that we get to go through this. I see court in my future to collect what we’re owed. Fuck.