Just as soon as they get their Kiosks, I’m eating at Wendy’s. I really like their “Fuck You” attitude and will support them as much as I can. Can’t wait for the same thing to happen at other fast food places. How long do you think it’ll be before “they” call to make Kiosks illegal; that if a company has a job that a person can do then you will be required, by law, (or regulation if they can’t pass a law), to hire a person (at minimum wage) to do that job? Any takers?
Yesterday my truck had an appointment @ 0900 for it’s last free oil change and check-up. After that I went to Home Depot and bought 10 80-lb bags of cement mix. Loaded it all myself too. Got home and unloaded it. Went to my friends and borrowed his mixer and brought it back. Spent the rest of the day mixing and pouring cement. All told, I lifted 3200 lbs of cement. By my Old self. And still got only 1 form almost filled. Damn! And I haven’t been that filthy in a long time!
Today I got out and mixed the last two bags and poured those into the form. Topped it off right nicely. Smoothed it our and put in the bottom rows of cinder blocks. Got a pain in my left jaw and was sweating like a pig (it’s only 75 degrees out there) so I figured I better take a break for lunch.
So, basically, I just lounged around the rest of the day just in case. Tried logging in to the Club’s Bank to download our latest statement; but it just wouldn’t let me. Oh, I could log in, but, not download the pdf file. Kept security erroring out. ???
Anywho, picked SWMBO up at QFC @ 1920. Dropped Netflix off at the Post Office, made a quick stop at MacDonald’s, and we be home. Think I’ll go lay down and read a bit. Meeting tomorrow morning.