Really Ready For Summer!!!!!!!

imagePretty much SSDD every day this week. SWMBO had last Monday off (with most of the rest of America) but other than that nada. Couple of nice days but more cloudy and cold (and some rain). Sucks! I am SO ready for Summer.

Not sure if things are going to work out with our Renter. The nicest thing I can say is that “our lifestyles just don’t mesh.’ The worst I can say is “Every time I hear their boom box car (which drowns out everything (everything!) else) or their friend who has to yell everything he says (which drowns out everything else) I inch a bit closer to exercising an eviction notice. I like the quiet country living and I’m not getting it (on the weekends at least).

imagePlus me and the Dog can’t take off all our clothes and go for walks with their friends gathered out there. Which sucks. I don’t care if they are mostly all male (which brings up a whole other boatload of questions). One of the reasons we moved here is when the wx gets nice, me and the Dog take all our clothes off and go for walks.

Mostly it’s the noise though. There’s a shit load I can ignore if it’s quiet.

Got contacted by the Yeasu repair people: it’s going to cost me $290 + shipping to get my radio fixed and back. Said an eprom was shorted (???) and the faceplate was missing characters (which seems to be a regular complaint of 857d owners). So, paid that and hopefully my radio will be back well before Field Day.

Burgers and Baked Beans for dinner tonight. Think I’ll be glad for my cpap later!

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