I’m telling ya; I lead a very (very!) boring everyday life. Which has it’s good points, to be sure. But. Yeah, but.
I need to take a trip to the Canyonlands or that general area. Wide open desert. Multilayered multicolored rock mountains landscapes. I’m really getting burned out with green.
Garden’s doing good. Already have pea pods. Taters have taken over where they’ve been planted. Maters are starting to grow nice and even the corn (first corn I’ve planted in years) has started to grow.
Thinking I’m going to mount rain gutter to that cement wall behind the house (the one I grow the maters in front of cause they really like the heat) and see what I can grow. SWMBO is trying to talk me into going to Habitat and getting some glass doors and making a greenhouse there. I could do that.
But I already have a butt-ton of other “projects” I’m trying to get done. We’ll see. Still designing how I want to mount the solar panels and do all that for one.
Field Day is coming up pretty soon. Still need to renew the tabs on the trailer (and might as well do the truck at the same time) and figure out what antenna I’m going to use. Details.
And that’s about it except for SWMBO has me scaired some. She sat down at Walmart the other day and almost fell when I helped her up. Had to take another hold on her and lift her up. She’s getting weak, losing muscle mass and weight in general. And I don’t think it’s the new meds she’s on. And I’m getting scaired for her. Doing anything tires her. Fuck.
Anywho, we’ll get through it. Whatever IT is.
I hope.
But we did have some thunder again today.