Not too near us. Out near Enumclaw. Still unusual for Washington state.

But we did have some rain and hail here earlier between the sun breaks.
Dropped my truck off at the dealer for an oil change, to check a recall (center seat seat belt may NOT be attached), and made further complaints about my info-center NOT working right. Long list of things about it (detailed earlier) but I finally told the guy that if it wasn’t fixed this time, after complaining about it for almost a year and a half, that when my “free” (read pre-paid) oil changes were finished then Hasselwood and, probably, me and Chevy, were through. I’m sure Ford would be glad to sell me a F-250 that worked.
So they (the dealer) kept it overnight and today the consensus is: Problem couldn’t be demonstrated but we’ll order and swap our the info center cause we’re tired of this guys complaining.
I Don’t Care; as long as it gets fixed and I never have to unhook then re-hook the battery to get things to work. Or shut off. Oh, it’d be nice if the new info-center played a whole play list on the thumb drive. (The present info-center plays part of any playlist then alphabetizes every song on the drive (1000+) and plays them in order from 00-.)(Does make for a pretty random artist/title playlist though. If you don’t mind hearing 00-Johnny Cash-Hurt then 00-Pink Floyd-Shine On You Crazy Diamond then 00-Steppenwolf-etc)
Unfortunately they won’t be able to replace it before we leave on our Grand Canyon trip Sunday morning. Ah, well.
SWMBO took me to El Sombrero’s for our dinner date yesterday. I gotta quit eating the chips and salsa/beans mix! Fills me up so much I wind up taking half my meal home with me. (Worked out for dinner today though.) But the food sure was good. And SWMBO is just as cute as ever!
Bought some “stuff” to take along on our trip for snacks and dinner and whatever. Trying not to overload the new RV; which I got to save some on weight. Still, even with what we’ve loaded its 1000 lbs lighter than the old RV. Trial by fire starting Sunday @ zero-dark-thirty!
Oh, it was attached.