Apr 17

Wow. Another Rainy Monday.

NC-003gWho’d a thunk. But, up until around 1500 or so it wasn’t too bad. A bit cool. Had to wear my winter shirt when the Dog and I went for our walks, but, over all, not too bad. And then it started to rain. And rain. And really rain. WaRshington.

Dog was pretty bored so I gave him one of those bone-thingies to chew on. I made Devil’s Food Cake cupcakes. Washed 3 boxes of canning jars. My usual chores. Finally took some things to the basement that I’ve been meaning to take to the basement.

It’s way later and I’m going to bed. Old, you know.

Y’all got off easy tonight!

Apr 14

Sick Sick Sick Of The Rain Rain Rain!

Sun was out quite a bit today, but, it didn’t take long for it to start sprinkling or outright raining again. Off & On All Danged Day. Dog didn’t care but I sure did. Sometimes it was even raining with the Sun shining on us. That Sucks!


Managed to get some things straightened up out there though. New tower is moved out of the way so I can mow when the yard gets dry enough. Spread some of the rocks in my “rock garden” up against the house out a bit. Pulled some weeds. Threw the ball for the Dog.

So I got lazy for dinner and made myself some Roach Coach Burrito’s

Worked @ Burger Chef in Yuma. 1968

Also got to pick SWMBO up at the QFC tonight. Friday routine, you know. We’re both just settling in for the night. Think I’ll go watch a movie while laying down. (Or read. I’m big on reading.)

Apr 13

InXS-Elegantly Wasted

Which is pretty easy to do the “Boot Scootin Boogie” to. Try it!

Sun played hide-n-seek a lot today. With occasional periods of rain. Usually when me and the Dog were out walking. We really got wet a couple of times!

Other than that: Not much. Did fill in the hole in the backyard that I had dug when I thought I’d be burying our last Dog, Jack, before I decided to get him cremated. That took all of 5 minutes. And was another indication that I’m just freakin’ Old.

Had the other half of the dinner I made last night for dinner tonight. SWMBO had stopped and got MacDonald’s on the way home and didn’t finish off the dinner I made. So. It was good. Again.

And that’s pretty much it. SWMBO is home and fed and off watching “Bones.” Think Ill go lay down and read a bit.

Apr 10

Holy Crap

doc4It’s been raining HARD off and on all day. I’d swear we got 1/2 inch rain in 5 minutes earlier. Driveway & Back Yard rivers have started again. Dog and I managed to get in one walk between downpours. Man, it’s wet out there!

Made a trip to Home Depot in Silverdale to exchange the toilet seat we bought last Saturday. One of the thingies that holds the lid on was broke when I opened the package. Home Depot exchanged it easy peasy. Except for the drive (in the rain) there and back didn’t cost me anything.

Not a whole Hell of a lot going on. Downpours every so often. (Often enough to not head out for another walk.) Getting all my usual chores done. Converting some video.  Microwaving myself a lasagna for dinner. All the usual stuff.

Yay! Got to take the Dog for another walk. Didn’t rain on us!