Mar 26

Another Boring Blog Entry By Me

RedBikini1Yesterday was my usual Saturday around here: Waiting on SWMBO to get home to go on our date. Managed to take the Dog for a couple of walks between the raindrops.

SWMBO took me to the China Sun Restaurant in Gig Harbor. I probably shouldn’t get the all-you-can-eat, but, I enjoy the selection of foods instead of being stuck with one “meal” and that’s all you get. So I can have shrimp, crab, chicken, and whatever veggies I want all at once. Still, the best part of the meal, for me, is having my Schweetie sitting across from me. Way better than just eating.

Made a stop at Walmart (since we were in the neighborhood) where I spent almsot as much on Blu-Ray’s as we did on food. Well, not really. Only $20 but got “Backdraft,” “Megamind,” and Jack Reacher.

Our usual Sunday so far. It’s still raining so we probably won’t get out for a walk. Seattle’s average rainfall is right around 2.53” for this time of year. So far we’ve had 5.52” for the same time period. I Hate The Rain! I’d rather see it snowing than raining. (I’d actually rather have 80 years of Sunny 75+ degree days!) Ah, well.

RedBikini4SWMBO’s Home Teachers are coming over after Church so I’ve been ‘straightening up.” Pulled some chicken to thaw so she can fry it for dinner. Dog really wants to go for a walk. (And I may try to slip one in even if it is raining. We’ll see.)

Holy Crap! It’s now an hour after my bedtime. Where did the time go?

Oh, the MCARC Sunday evening 2-meter net went really well. Even had a couple of new folks check in. Cool!


Well, Home Teachers cancelled out so SWMBO made fried chicken,veggies, and corn bread stuffing for dinner. Was good. I do believe she could turn out to be a rather nice Southern Girl!

Been watching Natural Disaster stuff, mostly about tornado’s, on YouTube. Joined the Kahn Acadamy and watched some video’s on Geology. Cool!

Mar 24

Rained Like Crazy For Awhile Today!

NC-002jRained so hard I could hear it while in my bathroom. Which is damned near in the middle of the house. Twelve foot ceilings. Walls. Luckily it lasted only a few minutes. Looked outside and I sure wouldn’t have wanted to be outside at that moment.

But, the Dog and I did manage one walk before it started raining fairly steady and one kind of between the raindrops this afternoon. He’s amazed that I can find so many sticks to throw for him to get! Absolutely astounded.

Other than that: Nada. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Got my usual chores done. Something was really smelling in the trash so I took it out. Time to make a dump run.

And that’s it. Short post today. Just didn’t really do anything except play on the computer. Broke Linux Mint and fixed it. (Video/Monitor problem after sudden reboot.)

Mar 17

I Could Go Crazy. Just Hang On A Second.

NC-002fWHAT THE HELL HAVE I BEEN DOING? No idea. Except that it has been raining so much that it’s difficult for me and the Dog to get out for any walks. We have. And SWMBO even joined us on a couple; but it ain’t been very often.

Matter of fact, it has rained so much around here that we’ve had a couple of minor landslides around the area. And NOAA is constantly sending out “updates” warning of the saturated ground and to be careful. Been thinking of getting a little “saturated” myself lately.

SWMBO had two (2!) days off for medical appointments; so that was nice. We really didn’t do a lot but I did take her to Taco Bell for a taco salad the first night. Easier than cooking dinner myself. And probably cheaper.

Also got off my lazy fat old ass and started replacing some of the base molding in the kitchen/dining area. That was fun! Had to kinda sorta repair my nail-gun thingie (that’s real technical talk there, folks) and drag my compressor upstairs; but got it NC-002gdone. SWMBO and stopped and got some white paint and filler stuff and she’s going (she says) to paint it all. (I won’t hold my breath.)

Took the easy way out and made myself a couple of “Roach Coach” style burrito’s for dinner. SWMBO had mentioned them the other night and I’ve had a hankering since. They was good.

Cool. Now we’re under a flood watch around here.

Dog and I picked SWMBO up at the QFC. We home. She’s eating and doing homework. Think I’ll go lay down and read a bit.

Mar 09

Yep. Rained All Dang Day.

Jiggly1I know cause I had to get out in it. Made a run to the Naval Hospital drive-thru pharmacy via Habitat For Humanity (where I found a couple of interesting things), the Oriental-looking junk shop (that used to be the crappiest Oriental Restaurant), the Bank (where SWMBO has just about cleared out *my* savings), McDonald’s (for lunch), the drive-thru, and home. Rained the whole time.

And the Dog and I sat here in my room (me busy with “computer stuff” and him complaining about not going for a walk) and watched it rain. And rain some more. Then it rained still more. Most all the snow is gone and our “backyard river” is starting. Again. Still raining too.

Jiggly2Watched the remake of “The Magnificant Seven” and pretty much enjoyed it. Not as good as the original, of course; but not bad.

Caught up the MCARC web-site with a post for our meeting Saturday morning. IF I’ll be able to make it. Wind is supposed to really kick up around here between 0100 to 1100 or so. Predicting power outages from tree’s falling down. We’ll see. I may go splurge on a UPS for the NAS tomorrow. (Don’t y’all just love the way those acronyms just kinda sorta slide off my tongue.) (And I may even know what I talking about!) Still have the banking to do but that usually doesn’t take too long. (Especially since I missed the last meeting and no one has given me any money to deposit or bills to pay.)

Tonight is SWMBO’s class at the Mullinex building so she won’t be home until late. I psuedo-BBQ’d a couple of pork chops, chunky baked taters, and baby lima beans, for dinner. YUMMY!

Was nice getting out of the house today. I should do that more often.