Apr 07

Kinda Windy Out There

Bike04bHas been all day. Dog and I attempted a couple of walks, but didn’t make it too far cause I’m a Wx Weenie. Don’t like getting wet anymore. (Outside Wx wise.) He don’t mind. I did let him run his brains out in the front yard between bouts of hard rain though.

Hearing lots of reports of downed trees and power outages around the whole Seattle and Puget Sound areas. There’s one now about wires down and on fire. Surprised our power hasn’t gone TU yet.

Not a whole lot happened yesterday cause of the Wx being so crappy. Dog doesn’t understand “It’s raining and I ain’t getting out in it” at all. Ah well.

Bike06bThose cabinet doors I had loaded in the back of my truck? (You ask.) Met some nice young couple at the QFC tonight while waiting to pick SWMBO up and they took them off my hands. Well, I didn’t just meet them there; we had it arranged. Young lady really want’s to re-do her kitchen but they’re fairly newly married and can’t afford “fancy” cabinet doors yet. So they took mine. They are welcome to them and I hope they work out.

Not a whole lot else going on. SWMBO is home now (I brought her home!) and off poopin’ or something. I’m finishing up boring the Hell out of everyone. Radio is going in the background and really busy tonight.

Oh, my LG Tablet finally went TU. Plugged the usb cable into it to charge it. A couple of minutes later I’m smelling that burning insulation smell look around, and there’s smoke coming from the charging port. Shit. Unplugged it really quickly (for an old guy). The tablet still powers up (0% battery message) but the end of the usb cable is toast. So I bought the repair parts for this one and a new screen for the other one and will attempt repairs when the parts get in. Figure I’m really out nothing but parts cost if I can’t do it. Could have 2 LG pads again if I do.

Apr 05

Just A Boring Old Guy

Bike03bYesterday I took that truck-load of cabinet doors to the Habitat For Humanity store here in town; and they wouldn’t accept them! “They’re hard to get rid of.” the guy says. ??? I thought HFH built houses for people; so what do they do for cabinet doors? And these are some spendy damned cabinet doors they could have for free. I may wind up burning the things.

Rained most of yesterday (and today for that matter) so the Dog and I got only a couple of walks in. He don’t care about it raining. I spent 8 years with the Grunts so I can do the rain; I just don’t like to. Retired, you know.

Today was pretty much the same; except I didn’t take those cabinet doors to HFH again. Did make a trip to the Vape Shop in Allyn for some “stuff.” Dog enjoyed the trip. He told me so.

More walking in the rain. He broke the retract part of his leash dashing off after a bird. Knew that would happen someday. Today was that day.

Looking at maybe buying a cheap camper for the trip to Texas. Found one that looks in fairly decent condition on Craig’s List for only $300 (or OBO). Some of the siding at the botton back appears to be coming lose. Looks like some good liquid nails might work on that well enough for the trip. Then the Dog and I would have a place to Bike05bstay and not have to worry about “pet-friendly” motels. Nor the expense of a “pet-friendly” motel. We’ll see.

Missionaries stopped by just to chat for awhile. SWMBO got home and had to get ready for a test so I kicked them out. I think they were pretty bored anyway. It’s Hell having to sit and shoot the bull with an old guy.

And that’s pretty much it. Did manage to get in on the last round of the MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Chat Net. Lot’s of check-in tonight.

Think I’ll go lay down and read a bit. Again.

Mar 29

I Swear I Got Webbing Between My Toes



I Am So Sick Of The Rain! It’s raining again today and even more is expected. And the wind is supposed to kick in sometime this afternoon. I Am Really Getting To Hate Western WaRshington! I don’t know if I can do another Winter up here. I really don’t. It may be time to check out Quartzsite, Az for Winter’s for a couple of years.

Been “playing” with making .webm files. Presently I have to load what I want to convert into “VideoMach” and save it as a .webm file. Bulky. Not a whole lot of Linux programs to do it either. Tried Arista & Miro and neither worked. I’ll keep looking though.

Raining harder out there now. Sucks. Did take the Dog for a short walk when it was just sprinkling; but had to cut it shorter cause we were getting wet. I hate this place.

2016-09-04 20.33.32

Dog and I made a Post Office run (with a stop at Taco Bell for a Taco Salad (for me)) and, when we got back home, the rain stopped and the sun sorta made an appearance. So, after I ate, we went for a walk. Nice. Wind really kicked up though. Weird to be out in the wind and hearing all the tree’s creek from swaying back and forth. Kinda cool though.

The MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Evening Chat Net went well. Had 9 check-in’s; including a new Ham. Cool. Like “seeing” new Hams on air.

Anywho, that’s about it for me. Feeling kind of tired/weak tonight. Little bit dizzy too. Hmmm… Is there a trip to the Hospital in my future? Near future? We’ll see. Hell, I’m only 65. Almost.

Mar 28

Homemade Peanut Butter Cookies

NC-001ffFrom a mix; but I made them myself. Somehow, even though I used 2 mixes, and should have gotten about 84 cookies, I only got 25. Guess I shouldn’t make my cookies 4” or more across! Ah, well. That’s the way we like them. If you’re gonna have a cookie, have a COOKIE.

Not a whole lot going on lately. Raining still. I think it’s been raining fairly steady for the past 4 or 5 days. I know that yesterday and today the Dog and I only got outside a few times; and managed to get rained on at about the half-way point of our walk each time. (But, it would be the half-way point since when it started really raining I’d turn us towards home.)

So, this evening I thought it’d be awful nice if I made us some Peanut Butter Cookies. Extra crisp for SWMBO (who should be home any moment) and somewhat softer for me. All my usual chores are done. Dishes are in the machine and ready to be washed.

MCARC 10-meter Tuesday Evening Rag Chew went well. I heard most everyone this time! Cool!