Feb 22

Changed A Lot Of Lightbulbs Today

I don’t care what you say: Microwaved “baked” taters just ain’t as good as “baked” baked taters. (And the foil makes the danged microwave spark! Just kidding!) She Who Must Be Obeyed (SWMBO) made an excellent meatloaf yesterday (for dinner) and there was left over so I thought I’d have it today. Which I did. Thought I’d make a microwaved “baked” tater to go along with it cause the real baked tater I had with the meatloaf yesterday was so good. Not! Almost too gummy to eat. (The Microwaved “baked” tater; not the meatloaf. That was, again, really yummy.)

A Crappy Remake

Then I made Orange Jello Jiggly Things. (Having a Senior Moment and can’t remember what you call those.) Where you use half the water and cut the resulting lump of Jello (Orange Jello in this case) into squares (or approximations thereof) and just grab them with your fingers and eat them. (The Jiggly Jello things; not your fingers. Nevermind.) I like those.

Not a bad day out today. Got some burning done. Took the Dog for a tour of the back 40 and started cutting the stabby/scratchy/sharp/pointy bushes back from the path. Really need to get back there and cut up that tree that fell along the path. Poop Dog can barely get over it. (But, he is getting old.)


Oh, in case you were wondering: Yesterday was the usual Sunday around here. Started laundry but got so busy “playing” with World Editor & X-Plane that I didn’t get more than the first load in the dryer. My bad. But SWMBO did make that excellent “cracker loaf” for dinner, so that was good. MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net went well. So, SSDD Sunday.

Another Crappy Remake

Still waiting to see if I’m picking her up tonight at the Ferry Landing.

My Playlist Today:

The Martian (2015)(HD) (141:37)
Maleficent (97:28)
Oblivion (2013)(HD).mp4 (124:42)
Real Steel (2011)(HD).mp4 (126:50)
Super 8 (2011)(HD).mp4 (111:48) (Currently here)
World War Z Extended (2013)(HD) (123: 3)
ANT-MAN  (2015)(HD) (117: 6)
Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant (108:58)
Cowboys-vs-Aliens (118:15)
Drive Angry (104:31)
Earth vs. The Flying Saucers (83:43)
Edge of Tomorrow (113:29)
Forbidden Planet (98:30)
Galaxy Quest (102: 8)
Green Mile, The (1999) (188:37)
Iron Sky (92:42)
It Came From Beneath the Sea (79: 7)
Next (96:10)
Croods, The (2013)(HD).mp4 (98:36)
Megamind (95:34)
Monsters vs. Aliens (94:21)
Planet 51 (2009)(HD) (91: 1)

Wasn’t that interesting?! Busy changing lightbulbs out, finishing laundry, making dinner, cleaning up around here, burning trash, the usual chores, so I didn’t get to just sit and watch anything. Mostly I just put shit on for background noise anyway during the day. That’s my life.

And I’m not picking her up tonight. Or so it seems. So I’ll let y’all off the hook for the rest of the evening.

Feb 20

Another Pretty SSDD Saturday!

Yesterday, on the way home from visiting my soon to be ex-friend, I got pulled over by a Deputy for “exceeding the posted speed limit.” “Where you off to in such a hurry?” He asks.

Send Me! Send Me!

“Well,” says I, “I was visiting my friend when he admits he voted for Obama. Then the SOB puts on a Beonce cd and asks me to help him staple Bernie posters onto sticks. Well, I had to get out of there and as far away from him as fast as I could so I didn’t throttle him out.”

“Move on.” He says. “Nothing to see here.”


Not a whole lot going on around here today. SWMBO took me to Red Lobster (I had the lobster covered talapia) for dinner. Went to COSTCO and got some things we needed. Made our usual Safeway stop on the way home. Where we be now. Just chillin’.


I think I’ll watch “The Martian” again before I hit the rack. And it was a fairly nice, none rainy, almost sunny day. Even got to take the Dog for a walk.

Feb 13

I No Longer Be El Presidenté

The MCARC Monthly meeting went well. Meeting lasted longer than usual. Had our “nominations” for various Club Officers and I got replaced as President. Can’t say I was too surprised. I did, however, take on Treasurer again cause the last one quit and no one would take it on. So, soon as I check all the names and stuff I’ll have to update the Club site.


Ride there and back was pretty nice. Didn’t get stuck behind anyone the whole way there or back. What a change! What a relief! What an unusual happenstance!

Just waiting on SWMBO now. Starting to get Hangry and a slight headache (which I hope will go away once I’ve eaten). Not sure if I’m in the mood for Taco’s or a Whopper. Right now either would go down good. Just wish we’d get on it.


By the time she got home I was really hungry. She asked me where I wanted to go; I said Taco’s or Whopper. She said Red Lobster or (the Rib Place). Both her choices were packed with long wait times so we wound up at Arby’s. How I went from Taco’s or Whopper to a place that barely has beef on their menu (and the world’s worst fries) has escaped me. But that’s what happened.

Still, the company more than made up for eating at Arby’s.

Made a stop at COSTCO to look at camera’s; they didn’t have any I’d be willing to pay their price for. Made our usual stop at Safeway and we made it back home in one piece. Surprising considering the amount of rain that came down on our time out.

And that’s about it from around here. Thinking of buying a plane at X-Plane for $30. We’ll see. Getting stuff ready for our trip tomorrow. We’ll see.

I sure hope this headache goes away by tomorrow morning!

Feb 11

No Net Thursday.

I am having just a Hell of a time setting up this MyDlink crap for my ShareCenter NAS thingie. All the settings seem to be right, but I haven’t been able to access the damned thing except in Dolphin (file manager) or intranet. Works fine that way; but I want to be able to let my Father-In-Law access it from Ohio. This is just plain kicking my ass. Can you tell I’m frustrated?


Spent almost a couple of hours looking through my e-mail and stuff when SWMBO sent me an e-mail asking “Do you have Mom’s e-mail address?” Yeah, I set up that tablet  before we sent it off to her, but I don’t remember everything about it. So I spent awhile looking through my e-mails for a test e-mail that I might have sent from the new tablet. Looked through all my contacts (and deleted a shit-load of them). No Joy. No papers laying around with any of that on it.


Made some of that bag of garlic chicken in the freezer for dinner. It was okay but had way too many carrots. Other than that it wasn’t too bad. Add a bit of Jello afterwards.


Oh, made a trip to Allyn to go to the Vape Shop there and buy another elink battery thingie. Place went out of business. Vape Shops just don’t seem to last long around here. So, tomorow evening when I go to pick SWMBO up (like I do every Friday) I’ll go a bit early and hit the Vape Shop in Bremerton.. Would like to get a new one and get it charged before our day trip this weekend.

SWMBO missed her ferry so her son is picking her up in Bainbridge. Phew. It’s 2130 and I’m making a road-Country directory so I’ve been listening to a lot of Country. Phew.