Or anything.
Spending a lot of time "playing" with my FT-857D trying to get SSTV (Slow Scan TV) or Easypal to receive ANY picture. Haven’t had any luck so far. I don’t know if it’s because I’m feeding from audio out on the radio to the mike-in on my computer or what. Disabled all Windows sounds so the programs aren’t being interrupted by that. Hmmmm. I have no idea. I’ve tried with squelch all the way up. I’ve tried it with the squelch all the down (until I could barely see the signal). I’ve tried it with the squelch in the middle. Same with the mike settings; tried it every which way. SSTV acted like it was receiving a picture once but all I got was static. I just don’t know.
Other than that, I really only talked to the guys on the Thursday evening Mason County Rag Chew Chat Net a couple of days ago. My antenna still isn’t the greatest. Thinking of buying one that’s 20 feet tall and mounting it on the roof. Maybe that’ll clear things up. It’ll be a couple of months though as the antenna is $250 plus shipping and I have to save up for it. Then save up for a good power supply. Then a Signalink external sound card. Then a bunch of other stuff. Still haven’t gotten the manual for the Manual Antenna Tuner AC7VA gave me.
Going to make a "radio shack" down in the basement. If I’m going to have multiple antenna and grounding wires coming into the house I don’t want to do it basically on the second floor. Or upstairs where anyone that walks in can see the mess! And it’ll be a lot quieter for when SWMBO is working.
Made a BIG pot of chili for the chili cookoff at the church tomorrow night. Spicier than usual. SWMBO and I will have it for dinner tonight just in case it sucks. I don’t think it will though; I usually make pretty good chili. At least, we like it! (Except *she* wants hers over rice! Why do I even try to make things tasty if she’s just going to muck it up like that!?!??!?! )
Not much else going on. Weather sucks but not as bad as when that last storm came though. Last night the "rain" seemed like really small drops that were gently falling down with the breeze. Kind of like snow. I’m betting we have snow by Nov 15th this year.
Brought the 12 foot ladder in and changed some lights in the kitchen. Rearranged my motion sensor lights outside. Worked some on the trim to finish the bookcases. Straightened up some. Recharging some batteries for various electrical devices that require them. Warming up dinner. All the usual stuff. Just finished the dishes and about to make some biscuits to go along with dinner. Yummy!