But today takes the SSDD Grand Award! OMG! SWMBO went to the genealogy library, as per usual. Then our Son “borrowed” the truck for “a couple of hours.” That was at 1230 and it’s now 2010. I think he and I need to air our personal definitions of “a couple of hours.” Then we need to re-define HIS definition of “a couple of hours.”
Just not much going on. Poop Dog and I went for a walk; on which I got almost ate up by mosquito’s and ate way too many blackberry’s. Got a load of laundry and a load of dishes done.
SWMBO says we can take a trip Monday. Where? is the big question. Where can we go on a “day” trip that we haven’t been before? Looking at the map there are a lot of places I’d like to see. Long drives though. Maybe we’ll just head out along the coast. Or South-West through some back highway. I just don’t know…
Tried finding a flight school to learn how to fly an ultra-light. There are none what I would call nearby nor do they post how much lessons are. I wouldn’t mind driving to Moses Lake for Saturday lessons, IF I knew how much I was going to have to pay to do this. I suppose I could call…