Holy Crap! It’s Monday! Again!

And I’m feeling it. Think I’m coming down with “something.” Started yesterday. Hasn’t gotten any worse; but hasn’t gotten any better. Runny nose. The Runs. Don’t feel like eating. Tired. Yeah, OLD GUY stuff!


Cold and Wet outside. Again. Still. I hate Winter with a passion! It would be so easy for me to live somewhere that it never dropped below 70 degrees. So easy.


So, instead, I’m straightening up the rest of the house. Laying down for a few minutes. Chores. Laying down for a few minutes. Straightening up. Cleaning my office/room (Finally!!!). Laying down for awhile. Long as I get up one more time than I lay down I’ll be okay!


We be home. Ate a bagel but shouldn’t have. Going to lay down and read awhile.

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