Aug 16

Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!

My Windows VM went TU, and stayed that way. VMWare itself will attempt to start any VM I click on, and die. I’ve uninstalled, reinstalled, DE installed, reinstalled, uninstalled again and killed everything that started with VMware, reinstalled and it still does the same thing. When I break it, it stays broken.


So, I think I’ll just do my posting and those other 2 programs on my laptop. It’s Windows 7, will stay Windows 7, and works.

It figures the VM would crash just after I wrote a really funny post to post tonight. And there’s no way I’d ever remember what the hell it was I wrote. So you get this. Short and to the point tonight.


Not much else going on. Sunday routine. SWMBO made some delicious Ham steaks, rice, and corn-on-the-cob for dinner. MCARC 2-meter Sunday Chat Net went well with 10 check-ins. Finally starting to cool off for the evening.

Think I’ll go do the last uninstall of VMWare, read my mail, and chill for the evening.

Aug 09

They Love Old/Flat Dr. Pepper

The Hornets. Left a half full can of Dr. Pepper outside a couple of days and, today, there were at least 30 Hornets flying into and out of that can. ??? So, I grabbed one of the yellow hornet-catcher thingies we bought several months ago, that haven’t caught one Hornet, and put some of the flat Dr. Pepper in the cup thing at the bottom. About an hour later there are 10+ Hornet’s trapped in the thing. Who knew! So I put flat Dr. Pepper in the other yellow Hornet-Capture things and we’ll see.


Not much else going on. Mythbuster’s Marathon. Watering. Picking ripe cherry tomato’s. Nice outside so I’m spending a lot of time outside. Laundry.

SWMBO got home from church and went into her room to study (she has to get a certain amount of CEU’s(?) every year), so I pulled her car into the driveway and washed it. It needed it! She probably won’t notice it until she’s on her way to work tomorrow. Cool!


I also cooked dinner: Fried Shrimp, Wild Rice (mix), and Baby Lima Beans. Yummy! It was good if I do say so myself.

As you can probably tell; spent a couple of hours in X-Plane 10. Used my Steam account and downloaded it to Linux. That took only 14 hours this time! Works Lots Better Than It Ever Did In Windows 7. I also found a screen/window video capture program called Kazam that works as good as Fraps in Windows. Cool!

MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net (the highly informal version) went well. Only had 3 check-ins at first. But wound up with 9 total. That was good. Everyone was scratchy to me, but I’m learning to live with it. NOT! Will probably move my antenna around, again, to see if I can get a better signal. The one repeater I really want to connect to …

Aug 06


French22It’s 0730 on a slightly overcast Thursday and I have no idea what I’m going to do today. Wait! Oh, yeah. My new Alpha Antenna is supposed to be in today; but I probably won’t be able to pick it up until after 1300. So, I do kinda sorta have a plan for today. Setting up and testing my new antenna!

I’ve already completed all my usual chores. Got started early today. Hmmm. Maybe I’ll collect rocks for my “rock garden.” Only if the sun comes out and it gets a bit warmer.

I could work in the basement, I have a lot of plans for it and I really need to get started. But, that’s really a Winter job. (Basement. Sounds like a big hole in the ground. Dark. Dank. Dreary. But our “basement” has two windows and a door to the outside and will be rather pleasant when I get it finished.)

French21I need to get everything (including an un-named individual who’s 35 years old and shouldn’t be living in his mother’s basement) out of there, rip the ceiling out so I can rewire for new lights, and put a gas pipe in for the new Gas Stove, then seal the cement and put a new floor in. Then SWMBO needs to tell me if it’s going to be an “open” space to share with her folks when/if they move into the MILA, or, just make a new apartment she can rent out after I die. (She’s planning on living in the MILA and renting out the main house and basement apartment so she doesn’t have to work.) I’ve told her that if we make the thing into an apartment while I’m alive, and we rent it out, we’re only renting to Nudists.

New antenna did come in (I had to go pick it up at the Post Office) and I have it assembled and in the front yard. Already hooked up to the 857d and scanning.


When I switch between antenna’s there really isn’t much difference in signal. That’s good. I’m hoping that the Alpha Antenna will work better mounted in the bed of my truck. Gonna test that next.

Well. The New Alpha Antenna: In PSK31 (which is what I use mostly, transmitting at 35 watts or less, the “Forward” needle bounces between 200-300 watts marks (at 5 watts it bounced between 100-150). Straight in to the antenna the “Reflected” reads 1.5:1 or less (depending on watts out). Through the “tuned” position I can tune it to where the “Reflected” needle doesn’t even twitch (@ 35 watts). Looking at now to see where my signal’s been heard …

No. The Alpha Antenna isn’t nearly as good as any of the other antenna’s I have installed here at the house; but out camping someplace it seems like it is going to work just fine.

But now I’m trying to learn how to connect my Ubuntu Studio machine to our Windows Network. (Or our Network.) Would like to be able to access the Movie and TVDrive drives. It is not turning out to be easy. But I did something right because I finally got access to our TVDrive and the MovieDrive. So that’s an accomplishment for today!

Aug 04

Doc, You Lazy Turd! Again!

It is literally NOON and I’ve only finished half the chores. Got caught up in making breakfast (2-egg omelet with chopped tomato & mushroom & ham and FOUR slices of pepper bacon (but not in the omelet (the bacon.)( Nevermind.))) and watching, of all things, Heidi (the Shirley Temple one). And I slept in late this morning too. It was almost 0700 before I got up! Man!


Finally got my Icom-208H programmed for all the repeaters I could want to communicate with here in the local area. I’ll probably carry a list (or find an App) for repeaters in other parts of WaRshington and the rest of the country where I’m likely to travel. Put all the local Sheriff’s and some Air bands in.  (Seatac & Bremerton.) Now to put it back in the truck!

Which I did. Then I remembered that I hadn’t programmed any of the local 440 repeaters into the damned thing. So, I looked those up and made another list, then sat out in the truck programming them in. Only a few though.

I continue to be impressed with this Ubuntu Studio. Today I plugged my Nexus 7 in to it and it recognized it right off. Cool! Am getting to the point that it’s doing what I want to do. Would be nice to get rid of this Windows 7 VM, but I just don’t see that happening soon. (Even tried installing WLW under Wine/Play On Linux but it didn’t work.)


The power/data connection on my Nexus 7 is starting to wear out too. Damn! I’m pretty careful how I plug things in too; since I want things to last as long as they can. These things don’t grow on trees, you know!

MCARC 10-meter Chat Net went well. Only 5 check-ins; but that’s about the usual. Wish we could get more of the Newbies involved. Ah, Well.

Anywho, that’s about it for tonight.