Aug 29

Things Been Fairly Normal Around Here!

But, my life is fairly normal nowadays. I finished pushing the dirt from the old “Dome Hole” last Monday. It took me only 3 days with that dozer I rented! Three days! (I’m gonna have to find before & after pictures and post them.) I moved a LOT of dirt and I moved it for about half what one contractor wanted to charge me. Cool!
Got home Monday evening and called Premiere Rentals to come out and pick up the dozer. (Jim?) said he’d have someone out there at 1500 Tuesday to pick it up. So, Tuesday I went on out to the property and ran up and down the road with the blade trying to smooth it out and make it a bit better. Had stopped by the gas station on the way in and filled 6 (SIX!) 5-gallon gas cans with diesel and poured them all into the fuel tank on the dozer. Damn! $150 for fuel! Damn! Remember when diesel was $1.50 cheaper than gas?… Anywho, 1500 came around and no one arrived to pick up the dozer. 1600. 1700. 1715 I left for home. Tried calling Premiere Rentals but their answering machine (if they even have on) obviously wasn’t on so that was that for the evening. All that waiting did give me time to clean as much dirt off the tracks as I could though.
Wednesday I had planned to stay home all day and get things done that I just haven’t been able to do what with going out and moving dirt. Unfortunately it didn’t quite work out that way. Called Premiere Rentals early and talked to (Greg? Craig?) and tried to explain that someone was supposed to pick up the dozer YESTERDAY at 1500 and I had waited until 1715 but no one had showed up and he cut me off with “We pick up those when we have a driver and equipment available.” I tried to say that I’d MADE PLANS that I couldn’t get to as I was waiting on THEM but he cut me off again. Said they’d get to it “When they could.” Fine. Give me a call when you’re ready cause I have to drive out to the property and take the chain across the driveway down and BRING THE KEY to the dozer with me. 1200 comes and goes. 1300 comes and goes. 1400 comes and goes. So I call them and get (Jim?) again. He said “Trucks leaving in 15 minutes.” Cool. So I drove out to the property and their driver (nice guy) showed up about an hour later and picked up the dozer. I drove back home but never did get everything done that I wanted to do…
Thursday: Went out to the property and drug the last of the logs to the bottom of the hill. (Gotta remember to call Steve and ask who he sells logs to…) Gave a neighbor a truck load of dirt. (After all, I have a butt-ton of it laying around.) Came on home and took SWMBO to COSTCO for soda’s and we ate hot dogs there. Both of us can eat a meal for less than $4. Cool. Home Teacher visited around 2000 for an hour.

Today: Had a 1000 meeting with the Architect to go over the house plans. He does good work! Gave us printouts of the plans to go over this weekend to be sure that everything’s where we want it. Cool! Took SWMBO to the Silverdale Mall so she could have one of her favorite sandwiches and we walked the mall for awhile. Stop by our site and check the plans out!
A week or so ago SWMBO had put a plastic water bottle of grape juice behind her seat since it tasted like it had “turned.” We had just left the mall and was driving through the parking lot of the Silverdale COSTCO when the damned thing exploded! No shit! It made a noise like someone had stuck a big-caliber gun through the window and shot one of us. Damned near scared the crap out of me! Because of the enclosed space in her car it sounded a lot like that dozer battery that blew up on me a couple of years ago. Funky smelling grape juice all over the place! Had a good laugh about it LATER. Except it screwed with my head for the rest of the afternoon. Guess it brought back too many feelings about some experiences during Desert Storm and that battery. Got over it though.
Still making time-lapse video’s of clouds and sunsets and then adding music to them with Magix Music Maker. You can check those out on MY site if ya want.
I think Summer is pretty much over up here…

Aug 21

Gonna Be Busy!

Don’t know when I’m going to be catching up here for awhile. Starting tomorrow I’m gonna be busy. Rented a Dozer for a week so I’ll be up at the property early every day and stay late. Gonna get my $1500 worth! The week after I’ll be concentrating on finishing up cutting the downed trees to length and getting them to the bottom of the hill then calling someone to sell them. Then I’ll concentrate on cutting enough wood to fill our ’woodshed.’ Then renting a splitter again and getting that done and stacked. Gotta disassemble the woodstove and give it (and the flue) a good cleaning. So, I’m gonna be busy (busier?) for the next couple of weeks.
Last Monday: I stayed home and got most of the things I’ve been putting off done. Dishes. Laundry. Straightened up the damned living room. Been watching Sci-Fi Horror Flicks since noon. (Well, not watching. Listening to mostly.) Ripped the 178th Annual General Conference-April 2008 & 15 Hymn discs for SWMBO.
Tuesday: Cut the logs in the clearing to length and dragged them down the hill. SWMBO made dinner. Fish sticks for me. Chicken for her. More dishes for me…. @ 2110 is was raining HARD!
Wednesday: Went to the property. Came home early from the property. Too wet & muddy. Cut one log to length and moved it to the bottom of the hill. Scary to be going along and have one (or both) tracks suddenly start spinning but not going anywhere! Except in circles! Not good when pulling a 1000 lb log. Been raining like a bitch off and on. Got up at 0600. Maybe I’ll be able to go to sleep early and sleep until the alarm goes off without staying awake until 0300 when SWMBO gets home from the office. We’ll see. POURED rain off and on all afternoon/evening. I mean poured! Spilled tea into my keyboard last night. Some of the numerical keypad stick now…
Thursday: Today. Got SWMBO up early to take her to the 1000 showing of "The Dark Knight". Too bad they changed the showtime to 1230. At least I got notified of the change before we left the house! So we went to breakfast at the FHP in Port Orchard then to the movie then on back home so SWMBO could get some work done today.
Excellent movie! Really enjoyed it! Heath Ledger played a wonderful Joker! I really thought he was excellent in the part.

Jul 19

2008-07-19-Do You Do It Like I Do It?

This is what was going on with all those police the other day:

MASON COUNTY, Wash. — A Belfair man has been rushed to the hospital after being shot by sheriff’s deputies on Friday night.

Sheriff’s spokesman Dean Byrd said deputies received a call at 6:39 p.m. from a woman who said she had spotted her stolen truck in the parking lot of a Subway restaurant in Belfair.

The truck had been painted a different color, the woman said, but she was certain it was hers.

By the time deputies arrived at the location, the truck driver had already taken off. Deputies then began combing nearby roads and soon spotted the truck.

The driver, however, refused to pull over and led deputies on a chase down State Route 300. During the chase, Byrd said the driver made hand gestures and threw things at the patrol car.

Minutes later, the driver veered off the roadway, hit a pole and went down an embankment near Haven Lake, which is about 15 miles northwest of Belfair.

After he crashed, the driver jumped out of the car with a handgun pointed at the deputies, Byrd said, prompting two deputies to shoot him.

The driver was hit an unknown number of times and was rushed to Harborview Medical Center. His name and condition were not released.

It is not known whether the driver fired any shots at the officers.

The Thurston County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the case.

No wonder I didn’t see a vehicle when I looked into the bushes!

Friday was our date ’night’ as usual. Went to see the 1130 showing of "Wall-E". Cute movie. We didn’t have the theater all to ourselves this time. There were 6 or 8 others. Luckily they were pretty quiet. SWMBO splurged on a bucket of popcorn (as we were both hungry). $7! For a tub of popcorn. Dayamn! Made our usual Albertson’s stop on the way home. We really are creatures of habit…

Got up early this morning and left the house at 0800 to go to the Air Show at McChord AFB.Was nice. Walked about 5 miles looking at all the planes. Talked to a bunch of active duty types and thanked them for their service. Talked for awhile with the pilot of an F15C Eagle (NICE PLANE!) The UH1-N helo brought back a butt-ton of memories from when I was much younger and catching every flight I could at NAS Lemoore. Left the show early and didn’t see the Thunderbirds. Was Hot. Sweaty. Tired. And there was too much crowd around to wait another hour or so to see them.

Stopped at Costco, stopped at home for a few then went out to the property and worked awhile. It was Nice out there! Now I’m just chillin and working on the video I made today at the airshow.

Jul 11

I Tell Ya. These Weeks…

Just seem to zoom by sometimes. Especially when it’s just been more of the same around here…

Wednesday was a fairly normal day. SWMBO was off to her new office at the new GHC building wherever the hell that is. I finally got off my fat lazy ass and moved some wood around out front and started stacking the wood I’ve already split. Bout time! Then I almost finished putting in the slide out drawers SWMBO wanted me to put in the base cabinet she bought for her office. That evening I got some of my Mom’s pictures scanned playing with this new scanner I have. It does a pretty good job but the user interface is frustrating.

Thursday was pretty much SSDD also. Finished off the cabinet drawers. Moved/stacked some wood. Spent the evening playing with Vista. Still not impressed but figure I have to learn it (if not use it). I still like playing with and fixing computers so I have to keep up on these things.

Got SWMBO up earlier than usual this AM and took her to see "Hancock" at the Galaxy Theater in Gig Harbor. I tell ya; we ought to wait until a movie has been out a month and go see the early show for any movie we want to see! We had the theater to ourselves again. Too cool! Movie was okay. Charleze was looking as fine as usual! Stopped at KFC after the movie then came on home so SWMBO could get some work done. I went on out to the property and stacked the trees I’ve already pushed over. Sure was nice out there. So nice I stayed until almost 1800 this evening.

We got a "letter of committment" from Timberland Bank. They’ll loan us $320k if we do (list to follow). I don’t think this is going to work. We have too much coming out of the funds before we even get started building the house that I don’t think we’ll have enough left over to build.

On the way to Albertson’s this evening SWMBO and I stopped by a 3 bedroom 2 bath 3 car garage place for sale just up hill from us. Flyer says they want $399k for the place. Gee, all that and 2.1 acres of land for $400k. NOT!

If you stop everything else making noise on this page you might hear some thunder. Kinda rare for us…