Nov 06

REALLY Wet And Windy Today!

Rained pretty hard when taking SWMBO to the Ferry Landing @ 0545. Couple of pretty good downpours and Wind after getting home. Turned on the radio to listen in on the local 2-meter repeaters.


Been watching the “News” and straightening up the Truck Music USB Drive. About to get my day started. Sure is nice to NOT hear a lot of political BS on the “News.” If I were the GOP, I’d be wary of Obama promising to work with them. Grain of salt comes to mind. (Obama is a shit-faced liar comes to mind also.)

Thought I’d make Chied Fricken, mashed, and green beans for dinner. May even make enough for SWMBO (even if she doesn’t like eating cold fried chicken. Weird of her, but she’s from Oregon, Ohio).


Wind is really blowing things around out there. Power has flickered a couple of times while I was working on the MCARC finances. But I got everything done and printed so I’m ready for the meeting Saturday.

Found out how to “browse” XM Radio when I went to check mail. Don’t know how much I’ll be listening to XM Radio; haven’t really found anything to listen to for long. The only other thing from XM Radio is the Wx report; which I can do without. If I want Wx, I check it online. Ah well.


And I’d say that’s pretty much it. SWMBO’s home (her son picked her up tonight) and I’m chillin’ out watching the new Star Trek movie. Which I probably won’t finish out before bedtime. But who knows. I may be old but I can still stay up late with my young schweetie. Hell, I may even stay up until 2130 or so tonight!

Nov 05

I Am SO Bored

That I’m watching lightning video’s on YouTube. Goes great with the drizzle we’re getting; but you gotta be bored out of your silly asses mind to sit and watch Lightning videos on YouTube. (I really like thunder storms though. Really do. And we don’t get enough of them around here.)


Pretty much SSDD so far; and it’s going on 1500 right now. Got my usual chores done. Thinking about what to make myself for dinner. Took the Dog for a walk and got soaked from the knees down. Trying to figure out how I’m going to re-do my new antenna and mount the radio in the truck when I go on trips. (Just ought to let Car Toys figure that one out. It’d be worth the price.)


Converting a friends family VHS tapes to dvd. It’s pretty easy and doesn’t take a lot of concentration. Put disc in, initialize it, rewind tape, hit “Dubbing”, let it go until it quits, finalize disc. Go to next one. No fancy menu’s or editing.


And that it. Again. MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Chat Net went well and we even had a check-in from Auburn. Cool. SWMBO is home safe and sound and has been fed. Time to hit the rack.

Nov 04

Day Started Really Early Today

Feel like I didn’t get any rest last night. Which I wouldn’t doubt considering I just can’t get comfortable on that bed SWMBO bought. You’d think that almost 5 years down that road I’d have the “sleep number” that would do me the best. I don’t know if going back to a “wave-less” waterbed would help, but I’m ready to try. But, at least I didn’t wake with a headache! (That’s always good.)


Ride to/from the Ferry Landing went well, if wet. Truck wouldn’t pair with my phone; then realized I forgot my phone at home. Doh!

Started Doctor Who Number 11 over again. One thing I don’t understand from Doctor Who 205-Victory To The Daleks: Why should Amy have remembered the Daleks? Up to then there has been no indication that she’s ever seen them before.


Wow. Sun came out for awhile and it wasn’t too bad out. Everything’s still soaked, but the Dog and I had a nice walk around the back 40. Now my feet are soaked.

SWMBO had me stop at Burger King on the way home. Then Rite-Aid for her cat’s antibiotics. We bought a Omron BP cuff too. Been needing one. (Said my BP was 147/75 tonight. Not bad.)


And that’s pretty much it. Finished out the MCARC 10-meter Chat Net and starting to get ready to go to bed.

Nov 03

I Got To Drive My Schweetie To …

The Ferry this morning since her son is down in Portland for the week getting “trained.” It was fun. Early as hell; but fun.

Solitaire-Not Very Good At This

Made a run to the Bank and got to put gas in the new truck for the very first time. Had 1/8th tank left and put 22 gallons @ $2.49/gal. Once gas prices go back up this is going to be an expensive truck to fill. It’s guestimating that I’ll be able to go 462 miles on this tank; we’ll see.


Other than that just not much going on. Spent most of the day just doing stuff around the house. Scanning SWMBO’s Genealogy Helpers she found in her room and brought out to me. (Oh, Joy.)
Raining out so we didn’t get outside. Dog’s bummed. I’m bummed. So we played “I’m Gonna Kick Dog Butt” awhile before he got bored (and I got tired) and went our separate ways. Rode 5 miles on the bike thingie.

Could Be Wet The Next Couple Of Days! Flood Watch.

Made myself fried fish, fries, and peas for dinner. A bit later I had a half-cup of pudding. (Hope it wasn’t too late to eat chocolate.) Stuffed.

Still have to waddle my fat assed self to the truck and go pick SWMBO up. In the rain. In the dark.