Nov 02

I. Hate. Headaches.

This one started out early and has slowly built up to a real head banger. Ugh! I don’t think I’m going to be around for the MCARC 2-meter Net tonight; I’ll be laying down, I think. Maybe freezing my head.


Did manage to make Chicken Soup for us for dinner. Used some of the Thrive chicken, corn, carrots, and even a sprinkle of celery in addition to the package of chicken soup we bought at Safeway sometime or another. Turned out pretty good. Especially with the corn bread muffins slathered in real butter.


Did that make any sense? I’ve re-read it twice and it just sounds confused. Or maybe it’s just I that’s confused.


Been listening to N7RKY out in Montana passing pictures back and forth to other Hams USING EasyPal. I even picked up a couple of his transmissions. Cool.

Listened in on the Net. They did good.

Nov 01

SSDD Saturday

Really. SWMBO took the truck to the Genealogy Library so I was stuck at home where I did all my usual Saturday stuff plus laundry. She brought pizza home for dinner and we went to Safeway afterwards. (Dang! Forgot to get gas.)


SSDD. Sorry it’s not more exciting than that. I don’t even have any musings to pass on tonight. Been using Calibre to download and read “News” and other stuff, if that helps. Waiting for Doctor Who to be made available.


I suppose I could talk about that. I live 3 miles outside town. Cable stops about half a mile from here (down by the school). No plans to get cable out here ever. So we have DSL (and not very fast DSL) for Internet. Thanks to digital tv, I can clearly get 1 channel (13) worth watching and 3 “religious” stations. Thank you Digital TV. So we (may or may not) download the shows we like after they’ve “aired.” No, I don’t feel bad about (maybe or maybe not) downloading shows that have aired; It’s kinda sorta like videotaping shows and watching them later. And I never download movies. Never. (Nor music. Why download music when you can tune into an Internet Radio Station for free?)


But I suppose there’s some high muckity-muck MPAA Nazi out there searching for me.

Oct 31

Retired. But I Still Like Friday’s.

What it feels like when I get a headache:


Which, luckily, I don’t have. Today. Thank Goodness.


Made a run to the bank to transfer funds from “our” account to “my” account so the down payment check I wrote (my first on this account. I don’t write checks.) wouldn’t bounce. I really don’t want to start out on the wrong foot. Need to set up “bill pay” for this also.

Spent the day doing the usual things. Picked SWMBO up at the Ferry Landing tonight. Let her drive the new truck home from Safeway. She did her usual great job.


And that’s really about it for today. Just not much happening around here.

Oct 31

I’m Just A Retired Navy HM

But even I took a vow to protect my patients, which was pretty much everybody. This Nurse, Kaci Hickox, fighting an involuntary quarantine, took a similar vow (Nightingale Pledge). She should have volunteered to be quarantined without being forced to protect those she has vowed to protect. IMHO, she is not a real Nurse. She should never work as a Nurse again. I almost hope she turns positive for Ebola. Almost.


Hospital Corpsman’s Pledge

I solemnly pledge myself before God and these witnesses to practice faithfully all of my duties as a member of the Hospital Corps. I hold the care of the sick and injured to be a privilege and sacred trust and will assist the Medical Officer with loyalty and honesty. I will not knowingly permit harm to come to any patient. I will hold all personal matters pertaining to the private lives of patients in strict confidence. I dedicate my heart, mind, and strength to the work before me. I shall do all within my power to show in myself an example of all that is honorable and good throughout my Naval career.


Man, that was a long time ago. April 73 if my failing memory is correct. I didn’t make a very good Hospital Hospital Corpsman (too many Nurses around), but made one damned fine Independent Duty/Field Med Hospital Corpsman. IMHO, of course. And, after the first year, loved being with the Grunts.